the coil allows for a large amount of time for the water to contact with bacteria
ok first off why dont we replace time with high surface area to volume ratio, if you say time it sounds like the water should stop, IT SHOULD NOT!!!
50 being the minimum
no 50 being the recomended really the minimum is like 20, but lets not all jump on that, just cause itll work doesnt mean we want it! to get a good flow thru it you need just under 50' if you go a little over your fine, too far and it depends.
I assume to keep down the possibility of leaks inside the unit i wont go into too much on this but you cant have a leak from 2 areas of the same pressure, one has to be higher, even if you did somehow get that leak without having the clog, it wouldnt matter, its ONLY because those micro pieces clog.
DO you reccomend using a siphon or a pump for flow through the unit? I don't know if a siphon would work, too simple i guess, but i worry that i might not get enough flow with a siphon only.
did that answer the question
either will work just fine.
as for which tanks these will work on, they work on just about any fish tank FW/SW/FO/Reef/Preditor .... the one and simple catch is that these do nothing for phosphates, AND algae need both phosphates and nitrogen waste, and as they need more nitrogen than phosphates, if you use a very large unit on a small reef your plants will not export phosphates as they will become nitrogen limited, so to get good results in a reef you should think about sizing small, and use algae to xport the rest.
there perfect for FO's where phosphates dont matter.