Re: Comparing notes and habits
How often do you change water and what % of the total system?
I have a pretty strange water change strategy. I change water as needed put aged water in my quarantine tanks (55g and 10g). If I'm filling the 55g, I'll do 55g in 2 days, or I might just do 20-25 gallons once a week as maintenance changes. Other that that, I'll draw water out of the main tank when I syphon the bottom (which I do rarely). Looking around the house, I can count 8 empty IO buckets since I started the tank. 2 were the original fill, so 6 covered the water changes in the last year. That works out to 20-25% monthly (more than I expected, actually).
What salt do you use and why?
I use IO, simply because it's inexpensive and available anywhere, anytime. I have no desire to change for the sake of change, so I'll stick with what works. It helps that Big Al's sells buckets for $29.00 every once in a while, so I can stock up.
What type of carbon do you use and why?
Black Diamond - it's pretty good (low PO4) and it's relatively cheap, and I can pick it up at Big Al's right around the corner for a good price.
Do you use a PO4 removing media? Why and how much?
Nope, haven't needed to yet (knock on wood)
How often do you feed and why/what?
I feed daily in the main tank, twice daily in QT. A bit of nori for the tangs (from the sushi section of the groery), occasionally Formula 1&2 flakes when I'm lazy, more often it's a variety of frozen foods. We have brine, mysis, pacifica plankton, prime reef, cyclopeeze, formula 2, etc. We also make a homemade blender mush (a la melev) containing some of the above frozen foods, selcon, clam, squid, shimp, a fish filet, etc. Everyone goes nuts for the blender mush.
How often do you clean your glass?
The tank can go about a week and a half before you notice much algae buildup. It probably goes 2 weeks between cleanings, more if I'm lazy and no one's coming over.
How often do you clean the skimmer cup?
Averages about once a week, unless something makes the skimmer go nuts (too much selcon is the biggest culprit)
Do you dose anything else?
Not really...
What type of Ca reactor media do you use?
No reactor online yet, but I have a Schuran waiting to be setup, and the Schuran media.
Do you buy most of your supplies online or locally?
Online for the big stuff.
If you are barebottom, how often do you vaccum the bottom?
Thanks for reminding me to go do it.

Let's just say less than I should....
Do you clean your equipment and plumbing? How often?
1 year and counting, haven't performed any real maintenance on the pumps and equipment other than cleaning intake screens. My pH runs on the low side, so calcium precipitation should be minimal.
How do you replace Ca/ALK?
Tank isn't heavily stocked with corals, so I've been relying on a calcium hydroxide and washing soda to make it up (more or less randy's 2 part recipe). However, instead of mixing and having a set daily dosing routine, I measure and do corrections on an infrequent schedule simply to keep things from getting too far out of whack. (Really need to get that reactor running). Is it any wonder that only the "easy" corals do well in my tank?