Complete 125g up and running...$1200

Daniel: Before I go max out all my credit cards at the Memfish event on Saturday, would you care to put a price on the duncans, hammer, frogspawn and torches....and livestock? Also, the maxijets and ATO.

I think Jabo may be interested in a price on the clams as well.....

not sure. if ur interested your more than welcome to come check it out and I could check yours out and see what we come up with.
Everything the way it's set up now. Different corals, 2 clownfish, 1 purple firefish, and 1 spotted mandarin goby, 1 harlequin shrimp. Numerous hermit crabs and snails also has a serpent starfish. I'm sure I left something out. I can't remember what brand light it is but it has a 250 watt m.h. and moonlights. I'm up for whenever u have free time. Any time today if ur available. Call me when ur ready 901-687-0673
bump, Jabo is getting the livestock...have a bunch of corals and rock left and all the hardware too...i don't mind keeping the tank since i will eventually start it up again...but i will sell everything by itself!