Complete 125g up and running...$1200

Tim I'm over it. The thing that made me really mad is that you said I have screwed people in the past and that isn't true or will never happen. As the rock goes. It wasnt rock that is in my tank. It's rock that I had in a previous tank that I tore down. Pretty much dead rock. That's why I sold it to Bryan....

As for my tank. Ocean-Blue called me today and said his sprung a leak and is dire need of a tank. Since matts been a friend of mine. He maybe getting the tank. I'd pretty much give it away if I knew a friend was in need of it and has helped me
Out in the past. So I'm gonna see what he needs

This argument has been resolved and I'd like for
Everyone to get along ;)
just moved to Memphis, TN

just moved to Memphis, TN

I just moved to Memphis and I need some equipment. What do you have left? I am a very serious buyer.
Weclome to Memphis Chuck! I think it might be better to start a seperate thread and let this thread close and fade into the sunset. Everyone hugged and we toasted it so it may be best to leave well enough alone.

Plus you will have better visibility in a seperate thread. Wow, your first post and a member since 2006? Wow, don't be so You can also check out the Craiglist Memphis as there are always things for sale there..... It might be nice for you to tell us what type of tank you are setting up (Softies, LPS or SPS) and what type of equipment you are looking for...many have things in their closet and need a little prying to bring it out and sell it....good luck!
Chuck u can call me with what u are looking for. I have everything minus ato, reefkeeper, fish, and ro/di
