Cool Fish on Diver's Den

It's 3:12 pm and it's gone! I missed it!

Was it really $7,500?


How much cheaper? CB or wild?

They are same ones from BaliAquarich. QM had two. One went to DD(this one) one went to a private collected here in Orange County.

We got CITES permits on a few extras that coming soon. Hence the preorders for them.

Pm me if you want more info.
They are same ones from BaliAquarich. QM had two. One went to DD(this one) one went to a private collected here in Orange County...

There is one more of those listen today on DD! beautiful fish but crazy EXPENSIVE @ $7500!!!!

If they should only have had one, it sounds like they "sold" the one yesterday immediately to show that there is a demand for it... But it's really the same fish that is available today.
If they should only have had one, it sounds like they "sold" the one yesterday immediately to show that there is a demand for it... But it's really the same fish that is available today.

According to Jake A. LA acquired two from it's mostly likely two different clarions, possibly from the same batch.
If they should only have had one, it sounds like they "sold" the one yesterday immediately to show that there is a demand for it... But it's really the same fish that is available today.

The conspiracy theorist in me wants to believe this as the one listed on friday sold immediately whereas the one listed yesterday is still available. However, the listed sizes for the two differ slightly (2-3/8" for the one listed on Fri and 2-1/4" for the one listed yesterday) and the photos differ (but are taken from different sides). The one that sold immediately on Friday did look better than this one though.
If you shop LA/DD frequently and you want an expensive fish you either pay premium or wait till the sale/discount comes out which is normally once a week. I have done it wih a Black Tang, Large Blueface, and several others. I have been thinking about the juvenile Chrysurus for a few days and walla, it is coming tomorrow with me saving $34. Every time I see an item sell at 5:00 pm i figure it was a negotiated sale and just used for advertisement. There is no way you can get the email/check the site, and then place it in your box and pay in less than 59 seconds.
There is no way you can get the email/check the site, and then place it in your box and pay in less than 59 seconds.

I think that "œless than 59 seconds" is what's called "œa New York minute"!
I think I'm going to wait till it goes on sale from $7500 to $75 and then pull the trigger lmao. Clearance or close out lol.
As far as conspiracy I’m not sure. I just know that last Tuesday QM had 2. And one went to my buddy. Now, that left one still there although my rep told me it was not available. So now I don’t know if it’s the same one from last weeks DD or a new one, but either way it was not QTd fully. I never trust DD for their QT process. QM does acclimate well, and have massive UV systems in place. Their facility is amazing but we all know that thousands of fish coming in and out of the systems every day cannot be properly QTd.
That being said, I fully believe these fish are not QTd by any real means and their procedures are not correct anymore.
If you shop LA/DD frequently and you want an expensive fish you either pay premium or wait till the sale/discount comes out which is normally once a week. I have done it wih a Black Tang, Large Blueface, and several others. I have been thinking about the juvenile Chrysurus for a few days and walla, it is coming tomorrow with me saving $34. Every time I see an item sell at 5:00 pm i figure it was a negotiated sale and just used for advertisement. There is no way you can get the email/check the site, and then place it in your box and pay in less than 59 seconds.

Sure you can. I can pay in 30 seconds max. You can't wait for the email. Have to refresh the site right as the clock turns to 5:00. If you already have your cc info in their system it's only a few clicks to check out. Last fish I got right at 5 was my juvenile blueline angel.
Sure you can. I can pay in 30 seconds max. You can't wait for the email. Have to refresh the site right as the clock turns to 5:00. If you already have your cc info in their system it's only a few clicks to check out. Last fish I got right at 5 was my juvenile blueline angel.

Please explain this 5:00pm thing... is it just for fish that may go on sale? I'm fairly certain that it would not have mattered for the fish I purchased but I'm curious to understand this fully. Thanks.