Cool Fish on Diver's Den

$400 for a golden angel? FOH. I’ll buy you 3 for that price or less, and i bet one’ll make it past the DD version. but it’s ok because they’ll give you your money back no questions asked. Is that worth the extra $250-$300?

You can buy three for the price, but you will be lucky to have one after it has all been said and done. I have been there and done that. Now would I today buy one for $399? Nope
I see all the time the statement of DD/LA is too expensive? I paid $120 after discounts and taxes including shipping for the Chrysurus angel. Let me know where you can get one that cheap. DD on some items are expensive, but not always. And it doesn't hurt to wait a couple days for a 20% discount either.
You can buy three for the price, but you will be lucky to have one after it has all been said and done. I have been there and done that. Now would I today buy one for $399? Nope
That's totally understandable in your case, sorry for your loss. It's not the fish for you. but my statement wasn't about whether or not I would buy the fish, but just the numbers...
DD is very overrated IMO. That 14 or 30 day guarantee isn’t really worth a 300+% markup. People just feel comfortable with it because it basically removes all liability and accountability on the customer. You can find some rare fish on there which is a plus, but they get their stuff from wherever everyone else does. There’s 1000s of vendors, you don’t know them all. Shop around.

Well most of their stuff is from Quality marine and most lfs can get that stuff.
My LFS can get the same stuff and pretty much anything I want. He wont guarantee a 1000.00 fish, he is far cheaper on all his fish though.

I do think that LA has deals worked out with places like Biota.
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Here is a picture of my pair that I added in 2015 to my office tank. A year ago I lost one to bloating, so I moved the other to my 180 in my home


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And I don't mean to start an argument with anyone so please if anyone on here is offended I apologize. But LA/DD is like any other store, sometimes they are high, but sometimes they have great deals for great fish like my Flame Wrasse for $139 which included shipping.


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    Flame Wrasse 8-27-18.jpg
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And I don't mean to start an argument with anyone so please if anyone on here is offended I apologize. But LA/DD is like any other store, sometimes they are high, but sometimes they have great deals for great fish like my Flame Wrasse for $139 which included shipping.

If you meant me I took no offence.
Non at all and I hope I did not offend anyone.
I am not here to encourage or discourage people from buying from them.
I have had good luck and bad luck with them.

I do not post much in this thread but I read it all the time. I actually have learned allot from you guys. I really do not buy really rare expensive fish but I love hearing and reading about them.

I am also one of the lucky ones who has a good LFS and I try to support them when I can. I didn't have one forever so I understand the need for liveaqauaria DD.
Then there are the $549 attenuatus and flame wrasses. Smh.
I have 3 diamond tail males, 1 submale in a 40g breeder Qting currently and 2 flames in another.
Got the diamond tails from my wholesaler and my diver got the flames. But San Diego is cheap and rarely pay $300 for a flame supermale.
Then there are the $549 attenuatus and flame wrasses. Smh.
I have 3 diamond tail males, 1 submale in a 40g breeder Qting currently and 2 flames in another.
Got the diamond tails from my wholesaler and my diver got the flames. But San Diego is cheap and rarely pay $300 for a flame supermale.

Hey DMan that $549 is cheaper than New Yorks price of $799+ Shipping :spin3:
Makes me think we should send a message to the online retailers that although we should QT all fish we get, that doesn't excuse them to not have a healthy environment for the fish in their facilities. If nothing else it stresses the fish, which they have enough of with being shipped around and introduced into new environment. Beyond that it is the humane thing to do with an animal in your care. Perhaps if enough people stop buying from them, they will see it to be in their best interests to do so.