Copepods breeders net


New member
Frank, I've been very intested in the breeders net article pertaining to the pod farm.

I had a couple questions. What problems can you forsee with actually trying to culture the phyto in the farm, instead of mearly filling it.

I use micro algae grow form florida Aqua Farms. A couple concerns have come to mind. 1, the culture will crash due to water quality; 2, is it possible that the pods will consume the fertilized and produce ill effect somwhere down the line or maybe just consume and waste a large portion of the fertlizer?

I was also curious about placing a layer of eggcrate on the bottom to minimize disturbance of the sediments. Do you think this would be a decent idea? Sounds like a silly question but I've overlooked the obvious before.

your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
thanks for your interest in the article. In regards to co-culturing phyto & 'pods. I see no problem w/ it, except that you have to decide which is the main thrust of your culture. If you want 'pods you might want to ensure you have optimal densities of phyto and if you want phytos you'll have to ensure you have proper lighting/nutirents, etc. These are somwhat compatible ideas, but many have reported success w/ pods by feeding cryo-pastes, easier and convenient.
Fertilizers such as MAG from FAAF will do nothin but pollute the culture, so its no really a problem the pods won't consume the fertilziers, buut it may contribute to water quality issues down the road.
The eggcrate should work fine, I've read and seen 'podpiles (piles of rockwork) work effectively, and eggcrate would be a similar idea. Sounds liek you can certainl try thes eideas. I don't think it will effect your pod cultures in any deleterious way.
go for it

Replying as requested. :D

I think it would be possible to co-culture pods and phyto. I agree with Frank's comments about which is the actual target culture. I have never tried it because if the co-culture crashed, I think it would be difficult to determine which was the cause.

The eggcrate idea could delay the need to clean to culture tank. This assumes one uses caution when harvesting pods to prevent stirring the 'gunk' on the bottom. I think its definitely worth a try.


I asked Dwayne to join us here so I could hear from both of you since the article had both of your names.

The main purpose of this is for pod production. I am housing a green mandarin in a 29G. I have about 60lbs of LR in the entire system and thought I had plenty-o-pods but after seeing how he devoured the flatworms overnight, I started to get concerned. I just want to have some insurance waiting if I need it.

thanks alot guys, I'm gonna give them a try.
hey- no worries from me, I'll defer to Dwayne in regards to 'pods.
He's the master
Good luck w/ your pod cultures