

New member
Hi all,
I need help getting my new copperband to eat. I have had it for 1 week, it was eating in the store.
When I feed the other fish they go crazy for the food and the copperband just float at the bottom and is not interested in eating. It has been eating some aptasia, so at least he is getting somthing. Any help would be great.
Thanks Dave:)
Have you tryed soak your food in garlic solution before you feed? i usally always do that either way when i get a new fish. Just to get him started.
I got a copper a band about a week ago and got him to feed the first day by taking a shell and squashing mysis shrimp in it, the CBB found it immediately and started eating, by putting it in the shell the other fish could not get to it.
Dave, what food are you trying to feed your CCB. They really like meaty foods, like PE Mysis, Squid, Scallops.
Have a look at wet web media they have lot of info about the CBB,
also brine is not a very good food, mysis is much better
Dave, try the refreezing of Mysis, Squid, or Scallops in a clam shell trick. They will pick at it in the shell, and when it pulls free, chase that around learning how to eat free floating food. I feed mine without thawing the food out, he loves to tear it apart.
Try mussels. I got mine to eat by giving it fresh mussels from the grocery store. If you can find the frozen one at your LFS try with that first.