Coral Banded Shrimp


New member
We just celebrated Valentines and I got a certificate from Memphis, so I am going to request an order of Coral Banded Shrimp mated pair........... isn’t that fitting.:inlove:
caution on the coral banded if you have small fish. Mine is great to watch(I only have one) but he just ate my new clown gobie that everyone said he woudl not touch. He also cut a large redmleg hermit crab into little pieces. But he is cool to watch!!
thanks for the heads up, but I do not have any small fish. I do have some blue leg crabs I would not even know if one or two came up missing.
If you put them in a tank with toadstools or other soft corals, they will climb all over them. It will stress the coral and cause it not to open up.
There a lot of different Banded Coral Shrimp/ Boxing Shrimp (Stenopus sp. ) that are available in the hobby besides the common Stenopus hispidus. You have S. spinosus S. scutellatus S.tenuirostris and S. zanzibaricus. They range in size and color (blue, yellow, gold) and with size what they can pester /attack changes. They are all territorial and intolerant of their own and frequently other shrimp if the tank is not large enough. They are a cleaner but unlike the Skunk Cleaner (Lysmata amboinensis ) they are selective in what fish they clean and if the shrimp is large enough ,and the fish small enough, they may catch and eat them. Feather dusters may be at risk as well. The smaller species usually pose less of a risk due to their size but they also seem to be more cryptic as well. Tank size and tank mates will play a part on how they behave as will how well they are fed. So saying they are all bad/mean/evil is painting them with too broad a brush. Much like saying everyone named Joey is a schmuck. They all may be but until I meet them all, I'm willing to keep an open mind.:p
I had a huge one for a couple of years with no problems. He would take food from my hand and never bothered anything in my tank. However, he went MIA several months ago. I have been thinking about getting another one.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11844924#post11844924 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefdiver77
I had a huge one for a couple of years with no problems. He would take food from my hand and never bothered anything in my tank. However, he went MIA several months ago. I have been thinking about getting another one.

Ditto here.

I had one for over three years and he was one of my favorite characters in the tank. He was TINY and part of my first clean up crew before I even put any fish in when I first got him. He got HUGE and you always could find him because no matter where he was those big whiskers would stick up somewhere. He would take pellets out of my hand and the only hunting I saw him do was for bristle worms.

If a fish swam by, he would lunge at it. But it was hilarious and pathetic because he was so slow compared the the fish... as if his lunge was in slow motion. I really can't imagine that he'd catch anything that wasn't already sick or dying.

I have heard horror stories though. Funny .... but I've never heard anyone tell a horror story first hand that personally lost a healthy fish to a CB shrimp and had proof that it was the shriimp.

Don't know. I also have been wanting to get another one because I miss seeing him hang upside down in the main center cave in my tank.
