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Im putting together a 10gal nano tank with 20" 96watt 50/50 lighting with lunar light. I have heard that there are many corals out there that clownfish will host in. I was wondering what corals i could put in my nano that clowns will take too. I think i have heard that clowns will take to some xenias.
I had clowns in the pass and they took up host in almost anything like clams and softie. I take care of a dentist's tank and they have a pair of clown hosted a big soft coral (tree looking thing). What I have found personal is they will take up hosting with something that is like an anemones frist. I don't have clown now because I like LSP and lost a few in the pass because of a overprotect clown (it force the polpy to stay contracted).
I think they like pretty much anything - I know several people who's clowns host inanimate objects such as powerheads or just a corner of the tank! However, IMHO I think a 10g tank is a little small for a pair of clowns.....Michael's recommends a minimum of 20g even for the smallest percula clownfish.
leheath said:
IMHO I think a 10g tank is a little small for a pair of clowns.....Michael's recommends a minimum of 20g even for the smallest percula clownfish.

I kinda gotta agree there too...
But no worries...why not connect another 10 gallon to your existing 10?? :) The extra water will leave more room for error AND the clowns get a nice sized home!! :strooper:
space is good for water quality but hey I have a female tomato clownfish in 125 gallon (cant get it out) that host a cave she built on the right side of the tank, and she rarelly goes to the other side.... Also, this clowfish is not interested in any anemone, elegance coral, toad, finger leather, shrooms r anyhting like it. Weird huh... nope it is tank raised.
My pair host each other, thats it. They have a favorite part of the tank, but they're not really letting anything play host. I've got zoas, xenia, kenya tree, and frogspawn. They ignore them all. Actually they do seem to like my overflow.
My clarkii seemed to be hosted by the the heater. dumb fish! It would swim around it all the time, it would even bring food from accross the tank to the damn heater. Pain in the butt, as I have a BTA!