Coral Maternity in Portugal

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11005249#post11005249 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kmacartney
Those are good pictures and your setup is excellent. Many Americans don't see the how good T5s can be.

Hi kmacartney,

About t5 lamps,
I have T5 lighting because I am forced to do so. The biggest problem that I have here with HQI lamps would be the issue of cooling costs in the summer. I always used in my home aquariums HQI lamps and Corals grew well and had strong colors. If I could have in my prop system HQI lamps I would not hesitate. I adore glitter lines in decoration!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10900612#post10900612 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
once the nursery frags encrust the top of the plug you just cut off the top of the plug and glue it to a disc? or do you drill the disc and put the whole plug through?

hi jessp|
When nursery frags grow I take them off with covers all together from the tubes ant fix them with inert cement on the discs.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10955490#post10955490 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by xfragmanx
do you target feed all of your corals? if you dont understand what i mean by this, is i take a tube with a ball at the end, suck up my mixture of baby crab, coral frenzy, kents chromamax, and rotifers, and squirt the food directly onto the coral.

if it seems like im typeing dumb, its that im trying to explain stuff and i dont know if you call it something different over there then here in the states. thanks

hi xfragman!

I can not feed the corals one by one because they are in large quantity. I provide the food to water, stop the skimmers so that the food that is not consumed goes to the sump for feeding the living organisms there because they also need to be fed. Too often I feed directly the life in the sump.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10956262#post10956262 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
do you feed your corals after lights out? do you use any HGH?

Hi jessp!

I feed the corals with the lights on but the more efficient it would be when the lights are off because it is when that the coral polyps are at the maximum extent. You gave me a good idea. I will change the feeding time. From now I will always feed them with lights off...

About HBH,
No, I don't use HBH.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11005273#post11005273 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Machado deSousa
Hi, Chris wright!

I am thinking of traveling to Australia in the next year to know your beautiful country and visit the worldwide reefs sanctuary. It's my dream. You live in a country blessed by God!


Yes we are certainly lucky to have such beauty. There's a great thread in the photography forums on the great barrier reef, with some excellent pictures. I've tried to link to the thread, but can't seem to do it for some reason.

Australia is a country worth visitin, all biasis aside :D. There's plenty of reefs to visit.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11011144#post11011144 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chris wright
Yes we are certainly lucky to have such beauty. There's a great thread in the photography forums on the great barrier reef, with some excellent pictures. I've tried to link to the thread, but can't seem to do it for some reason.

Australia is a country worth visitin, all biasis aside :D. There's plenty of reefs to visit.



strongly agree. One of the places to see such opposite habitats both at their prestige state. Nice tanks btw and that must be years of work. How long did it take to get all teh original colonies
I had aquariums for a long time and I could always change frags with some friends. I went to Germany with friends and I brought 20 rare corals from a coral farm. From then began to reproduce in tubes in my aquariums at home. There are about a year i rent this garage, that is located 25 km from my home, to adapt to my prop system .
Beautiful system mate!! As Chris said, "true dedication to this hobby" well done. :thumbsup: I would love to see some more equipment shots if you get the chance.

And thanks for the kind words about Australia, shoot me a PM if you do find yourself down here.

Cheers, Josh
Ok Josh, Good idea! Very soon I will post detailed photos about the equipment. Any special device you would like to see reported?I will also show the evolution of the setting system with some older photos i have.
If i really perform my trip to your country I will contact you.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11012274#post11012274 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Machado deSousa
Any special device you would like to see reported?I will also show the evolution of the setting system with some older photos i have.

- Frag racks
- close ups of T5 lamps/mounting
- plumbing
- Ca Reactors

are grabbing my attention, but any photos would be appreciated.

Hi chris wright and majesticangelfish!

Today i go to the garage at night and i will take pictures of details you want to see. Tomorrow photos will be posted.

I hope you keep that garage very secure, and NEVER give out the address. Cant wait for the equipment pics:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11012435#post11012435 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by conorwynne
Hang on, you actually rent a garage for your coral's?
That's dedication my friend, it's a very very nice!


Yes conorwynne!

I rented the garage located about 15 miles away from my house. It was good because it has a private access and no communication to the building auto parking and so do not receive exhaust fumes from cars, has a window to allow forced ventilation, has a WC and a good price.

I apologize for the delay but i could not take the pictures yesterday because I had a small problem with the calcium reactor, but it is already resolved. uff!!!
As requested some pictures of frag racks:

general view


left side view


central view


right view


I hope you enjoy it.

Next requested equipment pics
Also as requested i show lighting details. Because lighting is similar in all tanks, and to be better understood, i show close ups of T5 lamps/mounting on the maternity, because it is easier to shoot.

Maternity (far and up side view)


maternity top view


individual lighting


maternity down side view


Hi hope you have been enlightened on the lighting. lol