Machado deSousa
New member
Thanks for your kind words and congrats.
ZURCSREEF : I don't use Seachem Reef Dip anymore because is hard to find it in the city I live. Actually I'm using Pro-Coral Cure, a Tropical Marine product, for preventive treatment of all new purchased corals and to treat acros which are attacked by AEFW.
Murfma: The water parameters, I tested yesterday, are: Salinity: 33 ppt; kH: 8; Ca:400 mg; Mg:1200 mg; PO4: less than 0.05 mg; NO3 : not read.
ZURCSREEF : I don't use Seachem Reef Dip anymore because is hard to find it in the city I live. Actually I'm using Pro-Coral Cure, a Tropical Marine product, for preventive treatment of all new purchased corals and to treat acros which are attacked by AEFW.
Murfma: The water parameters, I tested yesterday, are: Salinity: 33 ppt; kH: 8; Ca:400 mg; Mg:1200 mg; PO4: less than 0.05 mg; NO3 : not read.