Coral Maternity in Portugal

Thanks for your kind words and congrats.

ZURCSREEF : I don't use Seachem Reef Dip anymore because is hard to find it in the city I live. Actually I'm using Pro-Coral Cure, a Tropical Marine product, for preventive treatment of all new purchased corals and to treat acros which are attacked by AEFW.

Murfma: The water parameters, I tested yesterday, are: Salinity: 33 ppt; kH: 8; Ca:400 mg; Mg:1200 mg; PO4: less than 0.05 mg; NO3 : not read.

WOW very impresive frag tank, very clean & well organise.
i see frag farm in the Indonesia sea, but this frag tank in the house is more entertaining.
i reckon i can stand hours & hours keep looking your frag tank & the system.
Thanks for your words.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12291484#post12291484 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by goodfortune
:) I have a few questions as well...

I read a few pages back that your Ca and Mg are usually low (300 mg/l and 1200 mg/l ), while your Alkalinity is usually high (> 13 dkH). Is there an advantage that you have seen or achieved by running lower Ca & Mg levels, and higher Alk levels?

Also from a few pages back, I like your idea of purposely using different brands of salt. Do you mix the different brands of salt together before you prepare your ASW, or do you prepare your ASW using only one brand of salt at a time?

Thanks in advance; we all look forward to your comments!!!

- Michael

Hi Michael!
My parameters were like that because my calcium reactors couldn’t raise Ca up to desired levels but Mg and Alk, and my maximum Ca levels were always lesser than 300 mg due to the number of SPS colonies and clams I have, that require much more calcium supplementation. I decided to purchase, and i'm wating for, a new calcium reactor to supply Ca as needed. While I’m waiting for the new device, I cut off CO2 to both existing calcium reactors and I’m supplying Ca, Mg and Alk according with Balling method, as sometimes i use to do. So, according with my water volume, I daily add to the system (previously mixed in 1 gal of RO water) 134 gram calcium Chloride-Dihydrate to raise Ca; 46 gram Magnesium Chloride-Hexahydrate mixed with 6 gram Magnesium Sulfate-Heptahydrate to raise Mg; 175 gram sodium hydrogen carbonate to rise Alk and, by now, all three parameters are stabilized at values I mentioned before in my last post.

About ASW i prepare using only one brand of salt at a time.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12294266#post12294266 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Machado deSousa
Thanks for your kind words and congrats.

ZURCSREEF : I don't use Seachem Reef Dip anymore because is hard to find it in the city I live. Actually I'm using Pro-Coral Cure, a Tropical Marine product, for preventive treatment of all new purchased corals and to treat acros which are attacked by AEFW.

I've seen this product, never personally used it. How would you compare it to a commonly used method of Interceptor (Canine Heart Worm Disease Medication) and 45min to 1.5 hour acclimation? Would you use Seachem Reef Dip over Tropical Marine Pro-Coral Cure if you had it to your availability? How long do you acclimate your corals and what procedures do you take?

Sorry for all the questions,
-Mike C.
ZURCSREEF, Iinterceptor is a good option to treat your corals which are attacked by Red Bugs not by AEFW.
Both are Iodide preparations, i think, but I would use Pro-Coral Cure.
I recommend 1ml of the product to 200 ml of aquarium water in dips of 10 to 15 min maximum, as Tropic Marin instructions.
Yes, I was talking about acclimation precautions in general, to prevent introducing pest like AEFW's and Red Bugs from being introduced into your system from new corals. Do you just use Pro-Coral Cure, or do you use interceptor as well?

Thanks again,
-Mike C.
G'day Machado,

Sorry if this has been asked before, but how long do you run your lights for? I see a lot of debate on the issue, and i was wondering your thoughts on this.

Thanks mate


chris wright, this is a copy paste for you (pg. 15):
About photo period, as Katchupoy said, "10% of the lighting is lit for 12 hours. Remaining lamps are lit for 8 hours. The cycle begins at 21h up to 9h of the day after." I use this cycle because in Portugal electricity is cheaper at the night period.


I am so glad this thread was the thread of the month, otherwise I would have probably missed it. I have watched your video and gone through your pics and all, but gonna have to read it again for reference more and more.

I have been thinking about getting into fragging myself and actually ordered my first epoxy and some propagation tools and a book from teh States. I was quite bummed about being in Mediterranean w/ so few corals available for so much more money. but i gotta say, you have been an inspiration to say the least!

not sure if i missed, but my man you ought to be called:


p.s.> you got a PM from me too :rollface:
Chris Wright, never worry if any question has already been made or not before. To the author of any thread, even with many pages, it is very easy to find a hidden matter. With copy and paste i answer faster.
The Great Barrier rocks?
Congrats machado i can only dream of having a system like this when i am older (17 currently) i plan on going to school for marine biology as this hobby is my one true passion and i can think on nothing else i would want to spend my time system is the most compresion i have ever seen and i hope you continue.........if you ever want to ship i will be second since somone else claimed first..............................i would love to see this system in another 5 years again you might just get that record currently i have a softy reef 90g and a 150g dry getting dust on it GL
I can't seem to find what you are referring to as ABC elements, anyway you can link us to the products you use please?

-Mike C.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10948262#post10948262 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Machado deSousa
Hello xfragmanx!

About plastic tubes, the covers have a hole where i fix my small babies. I Fill the tubes with aragonite and reverse osmosis water.


Why do you fill the tubes with reverse osmosis water? Why not tank water?

Also, thank you for posting your thread! You have a beautiful set-up! It makes me want to move to Portugal. That and the weather, the wine, the food, the wine . . .do they need American teachers? lol