Coral Maternity in Portugal

Looks like a coral enthusiasts heaven. Too bad your a few thousand miles away, I would have liked to be a kid in that candy store.
have you worked on getting that equipment video going?

also, i havent gone back and read the whole thread, but do you use any kind of carbon source? ZEO or vodka or vitamin C
This is the best set up of coral propagation I have EVER SEEN! Senior Machado, excellent work.

LFS's here in the states can learn from Senior Machado's commitment to save our reefs. We need to stop our consumption of taking beautiful corals from the oceans. This is proof that with time, commitment, and money is no object, it can be done.

Beautiful, beautiful artwork.
Thank you all for continuing to be interested in this thread.

Julian Sprung visited Portugal two weeks ago to speak at the 7th Aquariofilia.Net anniversary, one of the Portuguese forums.

I felt very honored because he visited my prop and took two of my babies with him to add to his reef tank.

I leave you with some pics taken in my prop in the last 30th October.

Me and Julian Sprung


Me, João Ribeiro, Julian Sprung and André Silvestre (João Ribeiro and André Silvestre are the authors of many pics in this thread)


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I still cannot get over the operation you have going on there... someday I'd love to have something even remotely comparable to what you have there. great system :)
Machado how are you? I am here as well....I still have coral growing pics are you still learn new ways as I do? every day is new knowledge....Glad to see you are still here...good luck my friend
Wow this has to be the best frag setup I seen. Im going to steel some of your ideas for my new frag project. Im getting my tank this weekend and me so excited. I was gong to use metal halides but instead going to use t5. Thumbs up for a kick *** system.
Awesome stuff Machado. I would like to know how the corals are doing under the plasma lights as I plan to get some soon but would not want to waste my cash
How often do you clean your glass on all your tanks? Curious because of the amount of macro algae and mangroves you have growing. Also what is your lighting schedule?
Had the pleasure of meeting Machado while in Portugal 2 weeks ago and visiting his breathtaking setup.
Lots of changes have taken place since the last pictures.
Here are a few of the pics I took:








THANK YOU for the update!!
i love this thread and build.....

its like Christmas when there are pictures posted.... (its like it only comes once a year, and im that kid waiting)