Coral Maternity in Portugal

Absolutely stunning, fantastic setup.
This is my favourite thread on the whole internet all categories.
Hello all,

Me and some friends payed Machado another visit.

Took some more pics, including to the new toys: 2 x 24" Plasma Vision fixtures from Sfiligoi. We had the chance to see them in action. Very cool stuff. For someone who can´t see his own tank without T5 light, I walked away from Machado´s Maternity with a taste of Plasma in my mouth.






I've not yet read this thread, but after seeing those pictures I've made it a priority. That is simply amazing. Congratulations.
man, that is awesome, i would be a big fat kid in a candy store if i were ever to see your place in person. SO do you sell them to local people or stores?
what happens when you run out of room for more tanks, and what happens when all the frags grow out of the maternity tanks????
Hello my friends,

First of all I must confess that I am very pleased to know that this topic still deserves the attention of many people. Thanks to everybody that have posted comments here.
Since the last update I did, a lot has changed in my prop. I will soon make some updates.
I also would like to thank my friend André Silvestre for the pleasure of his visit and the beautiful pictures that he have taken and posted here. May be he is going to post some shots of the maternity tank with plasma lights running.

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hello Machado deSousa!

what is the purpose of you coral maternity, do you sell the corals because you make a good job and your system and the equipment is excelent.

Hello my friends,

First of all I must confess that I am very pleased to know that this topic still deserves the attention of many people. Thanks to everybody that have posted comments here.
Since the last update I did, a lot has changed in my prop. I will soon make some updates.
I also would like to thank my friend André Silvestre for the pleasure of his visit and the beautiful pictures that he have taken and posted here. May be he is going to post some shots of the maternity tank with plasma lights running.


Any digitall update....

Love the colors you got..... beautiful system...

Dear Machado Desousa,

I need your help and suggestion. I got same coral Pink Stylophora, when I got this coral it was same as in photo above. Can you tell me what kind of lighting it require, what kind of flow it need, Feeding, any special element in water column, any special instruction. Etc. etc"¦.

I am not able to get this color back.
You can have look on my thread "œ My 300G Reef in Saudi Arabia"

I post this problem on page # 20, some is suggesting to lower down this coral from strong light and another is insisting to raise it up with strong flow.
Your suggestion will be highly appreciated.
I want to post some photos of my pink stylophora coral in your thread, but without your permission "œNO".

I live in the US but most of my family lives in Spain.
Do you know what kind of reefing community there is in Spain (if any)? large of a reefing community is there in Portugal?

I don't usually comment on tanks over here at RC, but this is amazing!!! If I can obtain 1/4 of the success you have had in your system to my display tank I will be a very happy man!!