Coral Maternity in Portugal

A lot of changes about equipments. Be atentive.

Great to see you on RC again. :wavehand: Your early videos left a lasting impression on me (and countless others I'm sure). I look forward to seeing more of your technological leaps. Those Sfiligoi fixtures look amazing. Plasma is surely the future for reef lighting.

Thanks for sharing your latest Maternidade efforts Machado.

Dear Machado Desousa,

I need your help and suggestion. I got same coral Pink Stylophora, when I got this coral it was same as in photo above. Can you tell me what kind of lighting it require, what kind of flow it need, Feeding, any special element in water column, any special instruction. Etc. etc"¦.

I am not able to get this color back.
You can have look on my thread "œ My 300G Reef in Saudi Arabia"

I post this problem on page # 20, some is suggesting to lower down this coral from strong light and another is insisting to raise it up with strong flow.
Your suggestion will be highly appreciated.
I want to post some photos of my pink stylophora coral in your thread, but without your permission "œNO".

Maybe some time later you like to reply my post :).
Maybe some time later you like to reply my post :).

Sorry for the delay in my response to your post. I did a marathon reading your post and I must confess that I admire your work and persistence. I loved reading it from the beginning to the end!
You can improve the color of your Stylo as the other corals if you reduce phosphates and nitrates in your system, obtaining values close to zero ..
You can do this in several ways:
1-Using an algae filter for this purpose Chaetomorfa is a good option. If you can not get this algae you can use any kind of Caulerpa, the most important thing is you have a good amount of algae and harvest them weekly to export phosphates and nitrates;
2 - Use in your phosphate reactor some mídea like ferric oxide, you can use Roaphos to mention un example, starting with 1 / 4 the recommended dosis. Don't lower the phosphate level very quickly because you can kill sensitive corals such as Acros. Whenver the test for phosphate detects a level greater than zero swap Midea;
3 - Use any probiotic smethod to reduce nitrates in the system. You can use, for example, bacteria of the type of Prodibio, such as Biodigest and respective food for them such as Bioptim, according to the manufacturer's instruction ;
4 - Make TPA% weekly;
5 - When you're using charcoal use of good quality and in any case put it in advance in osmosis water for 3 days minimum, changing the water daily;
6 - feed fish and corals with moderation;
7 - Consider un upgrade of the skimmer improving output of dissolved and particulate matter.
Here I give you some tips that will certainly improve the colors of your corals.
Continue with your excellent work!

Sorry for the delay in my response to your post. I did a marathon reading your post and I must confess that I admire your work and persistence. I loved reading it from the beginning to the end!
You can improve the color of your Stylo as the other corals if you reduce phosphates and nitrates in your system, obtaining values close to zero ..
You can do this in several ways:
1-Using an algae filter for this purpose Chaetomorfa is a good option. If you can not get this algae you can use any kind of Caulerpa, the most important thing is you have a good amount of algae and harvest them weekly to export phosphates and nitrates;
2 - Use in your phosphate reactor some mídea like ferric oxide, you can use Roaphos to mention un example, starting with 1 / 4 the recommended dosis. Don't lower the phosphate level very quickly because you can kill sensitive corals such as Acros. Whenver the test for phosphate detects a level greater than zero swap Midea;
3 - Use any probiotic smethod to reduce nitrates in the system. You can use, for example, bacteria of the type of Prodibio, such as Biodigest and respective food for them such as Bioptim, according to the manufacturer's instruction ;
4 - Make TPA% weekly;
5 - When you're using charcoal use of good quality and in any case put it in advance in osmosis water for 3 days minimum, changing the water daily;
6 - feed fish and corals with moderation;
7 - Consider un upgrade of the skimmer improving output of dissolved and particulate matter.
Here I give you some tips that will certainly improve the colors of your corals.
Continue with your excellent work!


Thanks Machado,

This is more than enough. Thanks a lot.

What is "Make TPA% weekly"....... do not understand.:(
Syedjilani, in my last post you must read:

... I did a marathon reading your thread and ...

I think you understood very well what I wanted to say...

I'm sorry,



as you said "if you reduce phosphates and nitrates in your system"

I understood very well.:)

Keep reading my thread......;)
Thanks Machado,

This is more than enough. Thanks a lot.

What is "Make TPA% weekly"....... do not understand.:(

It took me a while to understand why it seemed noticeable, but you do not understand.

Machado used the abbreviations in Portuguese! ahahah:lolspin:
He means: Make water changes weakly!
I recommend you 10%.:dance:
Mr DeSousa
i must say your set up is very nice and this is one of the most interesting threads on the net. i would like to know with your current set up, which coral have you had best growth with? Also what your opinion of the best acropora for beginner SPS growers?
thank you for sharing your set up.