Coral Maternity in Portugal

Here are some shots showing the evolution of the Daycare tanks, from 2006

Daycare stand in 2006, October

2011, March

Views from the top, October, 2006

2011, April

2011, April

2011, April

2011, April

To be continued"¦
i see your running ATI fixtures and not the T% fixtures you originally got from your local source.
any reason, or see any difference in them? or is it just convenience and better reflectors?

(great pictures by the way!)
Can you tell me whats the best t5 bulbs you used and how long do you run them before been replaced with new ones. I see you replaced few tanks with new t5 pendants, what brand are they? Have you taken par readings on your tanks and how would your pendants compare to ATI Powermodules? Have you done test on led, reason I ask is that you mentioned that t5 more powerfull than led. Nineball (Coral reef in Canada) changing to full led on his 1650 gallon and is confident that it will work.

Sorry for the delayed response. For me the best tubes are white combined with colored pink and blue from Korallenzucht or Sfiligoi. The fixtures I'm using now in my Daycare tanks are Sfiligoi tanks. I've never used ATI pendants. I only used ATI tubes in the beginning. the LED's I tested were underpowered and I noticed that they emitted not enough light compared to the T5. I believe that LEDs work and next week I will test a Led pendant (2 Watt) and then I'll tell you how my corals deal with it.
How many display tanks do u have running off that one sump? And how many return pumps r u running?


Sorry the delay in response.
All 9 tanks are running with that sump. For redundancy I have 2 pumps for each level of the daycare tanks. Maternity and Nursery tanks are running with 2 returning pumps each..
whaauw , very good macro pictures of very beautifull corals !!!! :thumbsup:

I've seen your video about the fragging technic you use on advanced aquarist , realy liked it too , nice that your are willing to share your expertise !

under witch kind of lighting are these corals (led , metal halide ... ) ?

greetingzz tntneon :)

All tanks are running with T5 tubes except Maternity tank which is running with 2 Sfiligoi plasma Infinity Vision, 250w/each.
Thanks for your information about my video on Advanced Aquarist. I Knew this from you!
thanks for the video machado.i always wondered what you meant by polyp
the pictures of the fish really add color.
ive never been to portugal.
someday ill visit,my parents are from the island.
i would also like to see lisboa and of course your tanks.

vic mota

swissgaurd, I will be glad receiving you!
What kind of camera and lenses you used for your macro shots Machado? Again thanks for the great info and clarification back there. Keep up the good work coming!:spin3:
Hi Machado. Not sure if you missed my post/question a few pages back?



First of all would like to say you set up looks amazing.

Is there any particular reason for using RO and Iodine in the flower vials could you not just leave nothing in there?

I've just done some small cutting around 4-5 polyps and have left the flower vials empty.

Hi Machado. Not sure if you missed my post/question a few pages back?


Sorry chr15_8, sorry, I did not notice your question. A part of your answer was given in the posts 996 and complemented in the others 1011, 1012, 1014 and 1049.
By the way, if you don't use anything inside the vial (water or sand) doesn't the vial tend to fluctuate widely in your tank?
Thanks for your words,

Sorry chr15_8, sorry, I did not notice your question. A part of your answer was given in the posts 996 and complemented in the others 1011, 1012, 1014 and 1049.
By the way, if you don't use anything inside the vial (water or sand) doesn't the vial tend to fluctuate widely in your tank?
Thanks for your words,



What I meant was

Is there any reason you don't leave the tube empty? Surely the RO will kill of the tissue in contact with it so it carnt be any worse than leaving it empty? (I assume your question to me answer that though?)

The 24cc vial's only just fit into the egg crate.

Out of 48 frags I done I've lost 4, in the first 3 days since then I haven't lost 1 later. My smallest frag is 4 polyp's. I don't think my hands could handle 1 polyp sized frag's!

Thanks again for the reply