Active member
How can I go about viewing your HT on avs forum? Sorry to be annoyingly persistent here, but this tank is on such a level that I'd love to see what you've done in the HT realm. I remember seeing a photo you had on here during the renovation which was of the hallway leading to the theater, what a tease! :lolspin:
You have a great memory!!! I was very active on AVS but I did not cover my build on the thread. I spent the majority of time on the Anthem D2 thread (where all the experts hung out!!!!) :wildone::wildone::wild one:
I suspect the Decor would be a disappointment for you fellas. I have not done any surface treatments as I am very happy with the acoustics as is. The room is octagonal with no linear measurement divisible by two. All of this to prevent any standing waves. It worked.
The history of the room is waaay too long to bring to this thread but a very brief synopsis of the equipment list is as follows:
Speakers are M&K configured in an 8.4 configuration. six identical 150's and two Tri Polars. Subs are three 350's and one Paradigm Sub 2.
The pre/pro is an Anthem Statement D2V powered with an Anthem Statement P5 and P2.
The front projector is a sony vpl W200 and it is projecting to a 14 foot custom 1.5 gain Stewart acoustically transparent curved screen with an automated masking system for a CIH 2.40 aspect ratio. The projector handles 2.40 natively with the powered anamorphic lens on a sled.
I also use a Kaleidescape system with 39 terabytes for movie management.
thats the short version.....