Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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Having been involved with its development and implementation for years, I can assure you there is nothing aesthetical about the space station. ;)

I suppose next your going to tell us your an astronaut, if its true you just may be the coolest dude on the planet:lol: Also when are the party invites coming out? you did mention being able to take pics and print them out before we leave.
Also I cant wait to see the specs on a possible HD live feed, I have been interested in doing such a thing on my system. Of course I would never get anything done in the office as I would be staring at my fish tank all day on my computer.
Having been involved with its development and implementation for years, I can assure you there is nothing aesthetical about the space station. ;)

I suppose next your going to tell us your an astronaut, if its true you just may be the coolest dude on the planet:lol: Also when are the party invites coming out? you did mention being able to take pics and print them out before we leave.

Haha. Nineball is The Most Interesting Man in the World from the Dos Equis commercial.
Thanks peter i was gonna ask if you had a shot of the floor being put togethor


Hi the guy who put the floor together, allow me to clarify Peter's description of the floor. We put down a floor strength dimple board (comes in a large roll, look like the membrane they put on the outside of a foundation), then two layers of 1/2" plywood, staggered the joints and reversed the direction on the second layer. Each piece was about a 1/8" apart and then we screwed them together with lots of 1" floor screws. The hardwood was nailed down with a layer of wax paper between the hardwood and plywood. (A flooring company put this down, sanded it and applied three coats of finish).

Hope that helps

Hi the guy who put the floor together, allow me to clarify Peter's description of the floor. We put down a floor strength dimple board (comes in a large roll, look like the membrane they put on the outside of a foundation), then two layers of 1/2" plywood, staggered the joints and reversed the direction on the second layer. Each piece was about a 1/8" apart and then we screwed them together with lots of 1" floor screws. The hardwood was nailed down with a layer of wax paper between the hardwood and plywood. (A flooring company put this down, sanded it and applied three coats of finish).

Hope that helps


Thanks John, perhaps we can ask the questions about the recommended laquer???

Incredible build,Peter!Looking forward to seeing it all come together.What,if anything,is going in the open space next to the tank?
Once that happens, I don't think anybody will be walking past the tank to go anywhere. Oh, the intention may be there, but their attention will undoubtedly be arrested by something way better than the best movie ever made.

If you guys hang in and help with some of the choices I would say chances are good we will succeed.

And thanks,

Having been involved with its development and implementation for years, I can assure you there is nothing aesthetical about the space station. ;)

I suppose next your going to tell us your an astronaut, if its true you just may be the coolest dude on the planet:lol: Also when are the party invites coming out? you did mention being able to take pics and print them out before we leave.

Nope, both feet on the ground most of the time, but the mind????? the mind??? thats a different story.

party invites.....oh yeah wait a sec and I'll call my wife and ask............apparantly as soon as my DNA is fixed she says we can party!!!!

pics????you could wait till you get home and print out the HD CAM shots from your couch!!!

By the way, thanks for the support. Soon we will be in for the heavy lifting in the fish room build.

Thanks John, perhaps we can ask the questions about the recommended laquer???


I'm the Project Manager for Peter and was wondering if anyone has a suggestion for what type of finish we should use on the panels we will be installing above the tank that will hide the lights and tank top. The wood will be maple and we are thinking of a marine grade clear spar finish. The other wood in the bar area is just finished with a semi-gloss latex polyurethane. My concern, if valid, is about future off-gassing. I don't think the marine grade would off-gas after it is cured, but thought I would ask the question.

Haha. Nineball is The Most Interesting Man in the World from the Dos Equis commercial.

obviously I don't get out enough or I get out too much........must be an American see in Canada we have a government agency that protects us from any foreign libertine influence by placing Canadian tv ads on top of American tv ads. This is to prevent sudden urges to move south and seek out health care programs................

I LOVE THE Phillips high intensity LED's so you can change the mood/color of your room at any time controlled by comp i want this system omg that is soo cool!!!! got a link to the product that make that happen ( i know im a copy cat =P)
Incredible build,Peter!Looking forward to seeing it all come together.What,if anything,is going in the open space next to the tank?

Thanks autodave,

I have a special desk called 'the wing' that my wife hates. It was made by a sculptor who made four desks in solid wood. The tree, the cloud, the mushroom, and my desk, the wing. I'm planning to try the desk and perhaps solicit feedback that will help me in the battle plan. For those who are interested, it is sort of like a giant manta ray in solid white ash.

Other than that I haven't settled on anything else yet.

I'm the Project Manager for Peter and was wondering if anyone has a suggestion for what type of finish we should use on the panels we will be installing above the tank that will hide the lights and tank top. The wood will be maple and we are thinking of a marine grade clear spar finish. The other wood in the bar area is just finished with a semi-gloss latex polyurethane. My concern, if valid, is about future off-gassing. I don't think the marine grade would off-gas after it is cured, but thought I would ask the question.


The marine grade finish will work fine
I LOVE THE Phillips high intensity LED's so you can change the mood/color of your room at any time controlled by comp i want this system omg that is soo cool!!!! got a link to the product that make that happen ( i know im a copy cat =P)

The guy who is the expert is now on this thread. I will look up the link but John from DQI is the lighting archetec (my designation)but he really does know alot about the internals.........

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