Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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It isn't about size, it is how you use it:) I have seen many fascinating small displays and some very uninspired large displays, especially in public aquariums. I would like to see more mini reefs similar to the small planted tanks inspired by Takashi Amano.
now where are photos of those fishes Air Canada obliged you with...:debi:

I was fumbling for my phone/camera when I saw the four heavy set employees sitting in the customer waiting area, watching crime shows on a big TV, but if I got caught, my 4.5 hour wait would have had a hefty extension :hmm3:

I usually pick up the orders at the Buffalo airport which is 1.5 hours away. The planes are small, and the customer service is excellent with all of the US carriers. Southwest lost one of our boxes on the last Florida order but nothing is easy in the freight business.

Overall we haven't done well with shipping. One of the mangrove walls came in smashed and we've had all minds of delays and damaged boxes.
Are all these lost or damaged packages insured? Can you even get insurance for shipping live animals? I know you can't get back the time lost, but at least you should be able to get your money back.

Are all these lost or damaged packages insured? Can you even get insurance for shipping live animals? I know you can't get back the time lost, but at least you should be able to get your money back.


It's a long drawn out process, and like any insurance claim, they try to wiggle out of it any way they can. They lose the paperwork, continue to ask for more superfluous paperwork, and generally try to wear you down.

I haven't made claims for these two orders yet, but I put in a damaged or missing goods report. I need to follow up on it soon.
Get it in writing and tell them to deal with your lawyer. You'd be surprised how fast they can react when they've no legal options.

Mr. Wilson,
Way back in post #6164 you have a picture of a check valve at the end of a return line. Are there advantages to doing it this way as opposed to placing it in-line and just before the outlet to the tank?
Mr. Wilson,
Way back in post #6164 you have a picture of a check valve at the end of a return line. Are there advantages to doing it this way as opposed to placing it in-line and just before the outlet to the tank?

Some people drill a siphon break hole in the return line just below the surface of the water. When the return pump shuts down, air enters the hole and breaks the siphon so the sump doesn't overflow. If you drill the hole at a downward angle it will become a venturi and suck air in. If you drill it pointing up water will be forced out of the hole, but it will eventually plug with debris, crystalize salts, and cover over with coraline algae.

A better system is to use a swing (flapper) check valve to draw in air to break the siphon when the return pump is off. Using a check valve to govern the direction of water inline is less effective as it can seize if calcified, or plugged with sand, algae or snails etc. If you use a check valve (wet) inline, it is forced open for extended periods. You cannot rely on the valve closing when it finally gets called to duty. On the other hand, a check valve that is forced closed is only partially exposed to corrosive salt water and detritus and critters cannot jam it closed. As soon as the pump is turned off, it will always open and let air in. This method also avoids any restriction of flow.

I use true union, clear check valves so I can see if there is any kind of blockage or wear to the rubber, and clean or replace them if there are any issues. Ball or spring style check valves are noisy, require strong pressure to open and can be unreliable. Swiss Wye style check valves are supposed to be good, but I have never used one. They need a certain amount of pressure to get a good vacuum seal and they need to be cleaned a few times a year.

The check valve should go as close to the end of the line as possible, and can be vertical or horizontal. Even though no water will ever come out of the end of the check valve, make sure it is directed over the tank or overflow box just to be safe.

One issue with back siphon is having enough space in the sump to accommodate the extra water. The other issue is exposing corals to air as the water level drops. If you don't plan well you may also end up with a system that splashes the lighting and spills water out of the tank when the pump comes back on and the water level is low.

Always perform a test power outage and simulated drain clog to make sure your fail safes kick in the way you think they will.
This is a test............

This is a test............

I will delete the post if it doesn't work.

I have taken some of my practice photography lesson shots and rolled them into a slide show and I would appreciate any feedback on whether this works or not. I'm not exactly sure how to accomplish this but my intent is to build a slideshow that has a lot of images without cluttering up the thread.

Remember this is practice so no comments from the peanut gallery on the lack of artistic abilities. Also I am using an imac (I think) with a 27 inch screen or 30 inch (I'm not sure) but if you go full screen its much better if you can........I think. Any advice on how this should work would be appreciated.

30" Imac, and it's a Ken Burns slide show, which looks very nice BTW. The spider sponge shots are great.

Try a Ken Burns slide show of the fish & corals close up with just one or two pics of each. Some of the stuff in the MARS and HT would be nice for everyone to see.
30" Imac, and it's a Ken Burns slide show, which looks very nice BTW. The spider sponge shots are great.

Try a Ken Burns slide show of the fish & corals close up with just one or two pics of each. Some of the stuff in the MARS and HT would be nice for everyone to see.

You don't mean ............... the 'new citizens'????

Yeah I know about the bunches of similars, I haven't taken the time to trim them down yet but I will. I just wanted to know if the process worked. I will think real hard on the fish room stuff.


It works. Wow! You've come a long way baby!

I do, however, have two compaints:

1. There were no pictures of the fishroom girls

2. Your setup is so spectacular, yet the realisation that I have neither the space nor the funds to do something similar makes me want to cry. I don't dare head down to look at my 75G, it just doesn't cut it. AND IT"S ALL YOUR FAULT! :angryfire:
Peter, you (an your team) have accomplished what so very few have in this hobby: an aquarium that actually looks like the ocean. There are a couple of pictures in the slideshow (looking down the length of the tank) that I swear could be of any natural reef in the world. Congrats!
Excellent work Peter! Was in the middle of a water change when I saw the notification, clicked on the link and successfully watched it all on the 4" AMOLED screen of my phone as I was too mesmerized to make it over to the 42".

I agree some fish room shots are an order however the similar images back to back with different fish in them were cool in my opinion..:)

I would consider it a successful test!

It works. Wow! You've come a long way baby!

I do, however, have two compaints:

1. There were no pictures of the fishroom girls

2. Your setup is so spectacular, yet the realisation that I have neither the space nor the funds to do something similar makes me want to cry. I don't dare head down to look at my 75G, it just doesn't cut it. AND IT"S ALL YOUR FAULT! :angryfire:

and I have two answers.........

1. I have been spectacularly dismal in my quest to find the ideal fish room girl. Maybe if I moved the tank back on to the boat and anchored off the beach in Bali. Nah, there's no would I advertise? But I'm not going to give up so stay tuned.

2. Thank you for the generous praise. The truth is that in this hobby quality of experience trumps size. There is no reason you can't raise your own bar. Mr. Wilson is right, again, when he suggests that some of the best outcomes and sense of achievement have come from some special nano tanks. In fact there is one candidate that is likely going to be selected as a Grand Master along side Chingchai even though his display tank is smaller than my hospital tank. So, stay the course and do NOT give up the dream. If it is a special tank you want then it is a special tank you shall have............. If you can't dream it you'll never have it whether its a fish room girl or a spectacular tank!!!!

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Peter, you (an your team) have accomplished what so very few have in this hobby: an aquarium that actually looks like the ocean. There are a couple of pictures in the slideshow (looking down the length of the tank) that I swear could be of any natural reef in the world. Congrats!

Thank you. You are waaay too generous but we still appreciate it. I honestly do believe that we have only started this journey and I find it fascinating to go through various threads on Reef Central to see just how much change occurs in one year. If those builds can grow that much we are in for some remarkable experiences with this one. Throw in a couple of surprises along the way and I think we are all going to see things that are new even to the real 'natural' reefs in the wild.

Excellent work Peter! Was in the middle of a water change when I saw the notification, clicked on the link and successfully watched it all on the 4" AMOLED screen of my phone as I was too mesmerized to make it over to the 42".

I agree some fish room shots are an order however the similar images back to back with different fish in them were cool in my opinion..:)

I would consider it a successful test!

Awesome, thanks very much for that. Fish room shots will be coming but I am not happy with the current batch of photo's so it will have to be tomorrow before I can take another bunch. The fish room lights are all out except the mangrove plasma's.

and thanks again for taking the time to check that out. It will be very helpful in the future.

If you can't dream it you'll never have it whether its a fish room girl or a spectacular tank!!!!{/QUOTE]

I have been dreaming about both. I'm just hoping that my wife doesn't find out about either one - the outcome would be the same.
Great clips, I think they look great and look forward to more.

I don't know if it has been addressed and I have missed it, but is allelopathy a concern with all the polyps in your tank? I always read how noxious they can be to the SPS, yet both thrive side by side in your tank. Are you controlling it chemically or some other way in your opinion, and do you expect it to be a problem in the future?

As before, thank you for this thread and the continual updates!
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