I would be concerned with the food going rancid if you don't keep it refrigerated.
How long a time period did you intend for the feeder to operate "automatically" - a day ? - a week? In any tank, a more natural feeding method would be for a constant trickle of food all day long. Several recent articles have talked about the stress we create on our fish if we restrict feeding to only a few times per day. That is not natural, especially for reef fish.
In order for an autofeeder to make sense it should go for at least a week, I think. People who want an autofeeder are usually prompted into thinking of such a device when they are contemplating making a journey somewhere.
But really, I think a more ideal situation would be to combine the needs of the fish for a constant but small supply of food throughout the day with our own needs to be able to get away for a week or two knowing that there was a fair chance the tank and its inhabitants would be faring well. That means a refrigerated device of some kind that could thaw out the frozen food at a known rate and supply the food sporadically, maybe every two to five minutes, to the tank during the day. If you are feeding your inverts as well as the fish then extend the autofeeding times and types as appropriate for your tank's needs.
well you can refill the bottle
maybe wrong of me to post it here, I am sorry for that Dave ! was just thinking loud, and thought Id share with this community.
I was personally looking for a way to feed Frozen food multiple times a day, as I said mostly for my seahorses, as I work about 10 hours a day. this should work for the 10 hours I am not home

I told a friend about this just now, and he advised me to use Wine chillers !! gonna look into those !! should keep the food good for a bit longer, I hope. [never seen one in real life though lol ]
basically, the bigger the bottle, the bigger the fridge, and the smaller the tank, the longer this will work automatic without need of refill. [still need an automated thawing system

] so u can take a 5 G bucket inside a large fridge to go for weeks if you wish ?
the number of times this system would feed the tank will depend on the number of times the air pump goes on, so unlimited and users choice ...
now automated thawing system would be even more complicated ! I will think about it

also the flaw with what I Said up there is the food left in the air line ! [if fridge was to be used, then air line would stick out of it], I will think of a solution to this.