Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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My husband ( Ketchup) counted 18, I counted 17... we are debating on one shadow of a fish somewhere on the left.... so 9ball .. how many are there? :P

Btw 9ball, i'm a lurker of your thread and it's a wonderful distraction from work to come and read through all the information as well view the beautiful pictures! Usually I don't post but I couldn't help but count the fishys!!

I think it's great when families participate and follow along. Since you have raised the issue of the fish count I realize that I have a higher resolution copy of that picture and I believe it will be a much better example to work with. I can tell you that you are not far off......
So I will post the new pic tomorrow.

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Nothing wrong with that. I'm just expressing an opinion, not the law or anything. There is no RC police that I know of.

Peter asked for input from people with practical experience using commercial non-DIY devices. Ironically he got lots of input from people who have no experience (including me). I thought that was kind of funny in itself, but the obvious dearth of factual material shows that such a device is yet to be developed. All any of us can do on the subject is opine and make suggestions.


lol @ RC police :) we are all expressing opinions Dave :) some are just ...

and my bad, I thought it was clear that there are no commercially automatic frozen food feeders available, hence why ppl with NPS tanks are making DIY ones. [and me looking for a DIY design] :) so thought you were looking for Ideas. and knowing Mr. Wilson, he is probably cooking up a nice DIY project as we speak :) I too wish there was one available though, would make reefing much easier specially with 6 tanks lol

my apologies to Mr. Peter :) the Slide show is just super amazing, specially on a big HD screen. felt like I was watching documentaries from great barrier reef lol

Is there a distributor of Orphek LED fixture in Canada ?
In another word, where can I order one?

How far from the water surface are you Orphek LED fixture?

When only the Orphek LED fixture turn ON, do you see color separation in the shimering (not sure how to spell that) as we can see using Maxspect LED fixture?

Do you know the expecting life of an Orphek LED fixture in hour?

Which resin do you use to remove phosphate?
I'm using Phosban, but I'm starting to doubt about it!!!

Once again, congratulation for your amazing tank!!!
Best Regards!
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Is there a distributor of Orphek LED fixture in Canada ?
In another word, where can I order one?

How far from the water surface are you Orphek LED fixture?

When only the Orphek LED fixture turn ON, do you see color separation in the shimering (not sure how to spell that) as we can see using Maxspect LED fixture?

Do you know the expecting life of an Orphek LED fixture in hour?

Which resin do you use to remove phosphate?
I'm using Phosban, but I'm starting to doubt about it!!!

Once again, congratulation for your amazing tank!!!
Best Regards!

I'm going to ask Mr. Wilson to answer these for you. As far as sourcing any of the technology discussed on the thread my advice is to pm Mr. Wilson for a back channel discussion. I have taken some satisfaction in choosing technologies for our (this thread's community) tank based on our real world experience and our collective desire for best practices. I have NOT been price sensitive although I'm trying not to be stupid about it either. I say this because I would not want any enthusiasm on my part to be interpreted as anything more than naive reaction to something that seems to work well. I'm a hobbyist with no relationships to manufacturers other than writing far too many cheques.

I have encouraged Mr. Wilson on occasion to consider carrying certain product lines after I have become convinced that the quality, customer service and longevity is above average. To his credit, Mr. Wilson doesn't always listen to me but occasionally he does. I don't always know whether Mr. Wilson has an established relationship with a vendor and I really don't care because after working with him for a year I have come to respect that there are times when Mr. Wilson has not acted in his own best economic interest in helping me identify the ideal products to achieve best practices for our tank.......

So if anyone wants to talk about sourcing equipment on this thread please take it directly to Mr. Wilson offline with a PM. I sincerely believe that it will continue to be to our advantage to have Mr. Wilson's public input on this thread without running any risks that his motivation and integrity ever come into question.

As you can tell, Mr. Wilson and I have formed a pretty tight bond through this experience and I expect that we are still only at about the halfway point in this build with a lot more gains to be experienced in the next year.

This lengthy response to your question is in no way anything but encouragement to continue asking all of them and more. Just let the procurement questions take the back channel.

Mr. Wilson, can you take the points above and answer for both of us????

Hi Peter I also check this thread every time I get a email that there is new content. Istarted out with lots of questions about this hobby and thanks to you and your team a great many of them have been answered sometimes with multiple answers. great thread peter. it was hard getting through the whole thing without peaking ahead but it was great reading. thanks

I'm going to ask Mr. Wilson to answer these for you. As far as sourcing any of the technology discussed on the thread my advice is to pm Mr. Wilson for a back channel discussion. ...

Hello Peter,

I feel very very bad about my previous message. I should have think twice before asking these stupid questions. I would like to delete but I can't. :headwally:, it's too late :headwalls:!!!

I was looking for LED fixtures for my reef and I was too much excited about the LED technologies you have chosen for your reef. I was agreeing with all comments made by Mr. Wilson regarding these LED fixtures.

A year ago, I was about to give up and close my 180g gallons reef tank. But I accidently found your thread and I am following it from the beginning (and you have told us many time that we should not talk about supplier and I should have remembered that). Your thread give me the motivation to fix the mistake that I have made in my current setup.

So, I sincerely apologize to have asked any question regarding suppliers on your thread as you have requested many time in the past.

You are a model and an inspiration for me. I hope that will forgive me.

Best Regards!

Hello Peter,

I feel very very bad about my previous message. I should have think twice before asking these stupid questions. I would like to delete but I can't. :headwally:, it's too late :headwalls:!!!

I was looking for LED fixtures for my reef and I was too much excited about the LED technologies you have chosen for your reef. I was agreeing with all comments made by Mr. Wilson regarding these LED fixtures.

A year ago, I was about to give up and close my 180g gallons reef tank. But I accidently found your thread and I am following it from the beginning (and you have told us many time that we should not talk about supplier and I should have remembered that). Your thread give me the motivation to fix the mistake that I have made in my current setup.

So, I sincerely apologize to have asked any question regarding suppliers on your thread as you have requested many time in the past.

You are a model and an inspiration for me. I hope that will forgive me.

Best Regards!


Chris, at no time did I have any difficulty with what you asked and please understand I was for sure not criticizing you for asking any questions. I truthfully consider everyone who has been following this thread to be family and family should always have the right to ask anything. My response was in fact a recognition that my enthusiasm for the Orphek product line was from that of a passionate hobbyist and no more.

In some respects this community and its continuing support of this project is the best form of endorsement that I or any manufacturer could ask for.

So again your questions and comments are always welcome here and hopefully Mr. Wilson will come out of his coma and answer them soon maybe, hopefully.

Hi Peter I also check this thread every time I get a email that there is new content. Istarted out with lots of questions about this hobby and thanks to you and your team a great many of them have been answered sometimes with multiple answers. great thread peter. it was hard getting through the whole thing without peaking ahead but it was great reading. thanks


Thank you very much Jessie. Hopefully the next year proves to be just as valuable to this community and your continued support worthwhile.

peter i have to tell you that just when i thought my jaw couldn't drop anymore. well all i can say is amazing. that slideshow was unbelievable. i know this is beating a :deadhorse:, but this thread is truly inspiring.

thanks again peter and mr. wilson for your time, and continued dedication to this thread.

Peter it is beautiful , I have been reading for a week and half and just got to the tank today! Thank you to the group for all of the info that has been shared along the way.
I am trying to organize a plan for my first saltwater tank and Mr. Wilson and others time spent explaining is appreciated.
One question - am I understanding that you only used LED lights?
Thanks. Reese
Peter it is beautiful , I have been reading for a week and half and just got to the tank today! Thank you to the group for all of the info that has been shared along the way.
I am trying to organize a plan for my first saltwater tank and Mr. Wilson and others time spent explaining is appreciated.
One question - am I understanding that you only used LED lights?
Thanks. Reese

Reese, thank you for your kind words. We have been through a significant evolution with respect to lights for both the display tank as well as the lighting systems in the fish room and has been documented in this thread. The first stage I had 150 watt HID MH and T5 combination lights over the display tank. These lights were extensively compared with other lighting systems and eventually replaced with 250 watt MH and T5 units which were judged (by me) to be the best solution at that time for the display tank given the dimensions of my tank. These were aqua medic lights which had not fans and very effective low profile heat sinks. They were completely silent.

We bought 3 plasma lights and tried one over the tank and did not like the aesthetics at all compared to any of the other lights above the tank. We found the light to be too yellow and the housings were extremely cumbersome. The plasma was relegated to the fish room systems and is currently being used to light the mangrove hydroponic wall units as well as the refugium. The results over the refugium were not so good either as we have bad algae growth along with the good. When we experimented with an LED system to replace the plasma over the refugium we did not get any bad algae growth and the cheto grew as good if not better than under the plasma. We are replacing the refugium plasma with LEDs.

We then experimented with various manufacturers of LED systems and I believe we have found one that (for me) stood out from the rest. They are low profile, reasonably quiet but not totally, somewhat programmable and have been going through a process of constant improvement by the manufacturer. Most important however is the quality of life in the tank. The fish for the greater part appear to be happy as we would expect. The corals appear to be doing well with respect to colour and growth. There is not any signs of burning and the full range of coral (I now have a true mixed coral reef with a wide range of hard and soft corals) appear to be doing well. At one point we had four or five lighting systems over the display tank at the same time and the consensus of this community was that the LEDs produced the best aesthetic. We also tried a wide range of different MH bulbs to achieve a diverse set of 'looks' over the tank and the LEDs were again judged to be equal or better. The latest decision I have made with respect to lights based on current performance in the display tank is to replace all MH / T5s with LEDs.

So the long answer to your question is yes in a couple of weeks I will have converted all lighting over the display tank to Orphek LED's. The neat thing about this thread is that the wisdom of doing that will be on full view for anyone to assess for themselves.

peter i have to tell you that just when i thought my jaw couldn't drop anymore. well all i can say is amazing. that slideshow was unbelievable. i know this is beating a :deadhorse:, but this thread is truly inspiring.

thanks again peter and mr. wilson for your time, and continued dedication to this thread.


Brent, thanks for your continuing enthusiastic support............there's lots more 'stuff' to come.

lol @ RC police :) we are all expressing opinions Dave :) some are just ...

and my bad, I thought it was clear that there are no commercially automatic frozen food feeders available, hence why ppl with NPS tanks are making DIY ones. [and me looking for a DIY design] :) so thought you were looking for Ideas. and knowing Mr. Wilson, he is probably cooking up a nice DIY project as we speak :) I too wish there was one available though, would make reefing much easier specially with 6 tanks lol

my apologies to Mr. Peter :) the Slide show is just super amazing, specially on a big HD screen. felt like I was watching documentaries from great barrier reef lol

Allmost, there was a couple of fairly sizable commercial systems suggested and one looked very promising. It was the one from South Africa that had a conveyer belt for a 4 Kg load. This was a design for a fish farm but didn't have enough features for my requirements. I didn't want to contaminate the discussion with DIY solutions until I was convinced enough time had passed to surface any finished consumer or commercial systems that I couldn't find or identify. It appears that I will be looking at a DIY solution so we will begin that process soon and fully document our approach in this thread with hopefully some feedback from this thread community on best practices......

One side bar however, Mr. Wilson and I have been looking for a seahorse tank and I am curious if in fact you have one that is properly designed as such? We would like to source one if it exists.

Slide Show

Slide Show

I keep reading about a slide show. Somehow I missed it, Could someone forward it to me or forward me a link to it?

Thanks kindly
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