Mr. Wilson, I cannot tell you how completely appreciative I am and I know this group would agree that we very much value the time you take to dissect these issues to our benefit. I am privileged sir to have you as part of our citizenry.
One of the decisions I have taken after the examination of this subject in fair detail that does not seem out of favour with the distillation of your observations here, is to delay further contemplation of the Dialyseas product for immediate deployment.
As others have noted, and not too delicately I might add, I do not have a sufficiently strong baseline of experience to properly asses the effectiveness and efficiency of the technology. Its not that this design is inappropriate, its my ability to judge it properly in this setting. I have concluded that I might have the best of both worlds. I have already designed a water change capability that will allow me to have 210 gal of prepared SW on-stand by and 210 gal of SW for weekly water changes. I have concluded, based on clear evidence taken from Chingchai's experience as well as other large closely managed environments that significant water changes do more good than harm. I have also observed that if I need help and coaching there is a huge practical base of experience I can call on where the Dialyseas product experience is still limited at best.
Having said all of that I am still not prevented from returning to this technology when I have sufficient stability and balance in the fish room/ display tank ecosystem. I plan to examine all systems in play and planned over the first year with an eye to establishing best practices including measures to optimize the required energy in managing the whole system. I anticipate having a baseline of information that I can use to support a proper trial of the Dialyseas product.
The indecision on the Dialyseas unit was preventing the final blueprints from being completed for the fish room so this course will help pick up the pace.
More decisions next...........
I think you should contact Mr. Wilson!