Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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4 days in storage.........

4 days in storage.........

I can say that although I haven't done the taste test yet....... If there is a passing grade for smell I think we have passed it. So far no rotten eggs and in fact no untoward aromas yet.

I think the skimmers are working............


stepping back a bit..........


peering into the abyss............


As you can see the colours have not diminished and the water movement is fairly strong. I have mixed feelings about going with a complete blackout (which I can do) as I will probably kill off some of the biology that would be nice to keep????I can't believe I still have the colours that I do.


you would only cover the tanks from light. The purpose of this would be to theoretically "cook" the rock therefore killing all organisms from the rock. This would ensure you are not introducing pests into your system which would be a nightmare in a system this large. If i recall peter does not want to cook him rock as he wants the live bacteria.
When you cover it up. You're cutting it down on oxygen. Why are you cover them up?

Actually elijaher, apart from the 'in tank' heaters, out of sight, is a fairly robust ancillary heater that feeds a steady stream of hot air to circulate around the tanks as the garage is only marginally heated. The clear plastic 'tent' is to help keep the temp at 76 deg. After all this is Canada.....and apart from this incredibly odd year, its not unusual to see snow in April. In fact, it has snowed at least once in April in the last 68 of 70 years. The plastic sheets also keep any bugs out of the tanks..........we are getting a lot of ladybugs with the warm weather.

still going strong on the right track. keep on chugging little engin, keep chuggin.

Dont forget to repeat: I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN.
Peter in that case you do need to keep it cover up then.

I did check elijaher, the air circulation is very good over the tank water and because of the heater, the air is always moving.

If anyone is wondering the skimmer cups have been emptied and for the record they stink........but hey, you all new that already didn't you.

Your cups on top of protein skimmer is full. Look like time to empty them out. If you haven't yet.

I have emptied them.........It was not pretty........but a man has to do what a man has to do. There should be a warning on that stuff ''''Don't try this at home'''''. I can tell you .....this stuff is never going to pass the taste test!!!!!!!

Good signs so far.
There doesn't appear to be much die off.
Now might be the time to manually move the rock, and siphon/drain the detritus.

Make up a large container (same size as the drums you have the rock in now) of fresh salt water, and have another bucket of fresh saltwater on hand.
Remove each piece from its current drum. Plunge it up and down a couple times in the bucket, and give it a shake under water. You'll be surprised at the junk that comes out.
Place all rinsed rock into the new container of fresh saltwater. Empty and refill the rinsing bucket as required.
Then drain and clean the original tub the rock was in, and refill it with fresh salt water, ready to receive the rinsed rock from the next original drum.
Good signs so far.
There doesn't appear to be much die off.
Now might be the time to manually move the rock, and siphon/drain the detritus.

Make up a large container (same size as the drums you have the rock in now) of fresh salt water, and have another bucket of fresh saltwater on hand.
Remove each piece from its current drum. Plunge it up and down a couple times in the bucket, and give it a shake under water. You'll be surprised at the junk that comes out.
Place all rinsed rock into the new container of fresh saltwater. Empty and refill the rinsing bucket as required.
Then drain and clean the original tub the rock was in, and refill it with fresh salt water, ready to receive the rinsed rock from the next original drum.

Maybe also scrub the rock lightly with a brush.
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