Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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Nineball, That rock looks real nice. Lots of life. Did you raise it up on milkcrates, off the bottom? Throw some in milkcrates so you can do a little "shake n bake" and the "duff" will settle to the bottom for easier removal.
Your advice reminds me of one of my best Aussie friends who when confronted with the reality of completing his son's requirement for driving so many hours with a licensed driver, decides to form a convoy with eight other dads and drives across the Simpson desert for two weeks to get the requisite number of hours. For those of you not from Australia, the Simpson desert is one of the most hostile deserts (read very very hot) in the world and has some of the biggest sand dunes on the planet(with no roads). This is perhaps the most demanding trek for the most experienced driver and this is what the average Aussie dad comes up with for the student driver in the family..............

Now my other Aussie friend wants me to wash down 2,200 lbs of live rock one by one (with rubber gloves) and tell my wife that she cannot park her car in the garage. I got a better idea, you tell my wife while I go play golf with Tone.

On a serious note Massman, if I can manage the third tub I will probably add the raised egg crate for future water changes using the lowering tide to draw off all the critters into the bottom. All I can say is its good that I retired and have no other life!!!!!

Nineball, That rock looks real nice. Lots of life. Did you raise it up on milkcrates, off the bottom? Throw some in milkcrates so you can do a little "shake n bake" and the "duff" will settle to the bottom for easier removal.

Bigjoe, thanks, I am going to do that on the next rotation.


The extra drum is only needed for the rinsing process. Pack it away after that. You will only have the existing amount of containers at any one time. The extra drum only comes out after rinsing.

I know the feeling. I clean that amount of rock on a weekly basis. :bigeyes:

You can get this done in the morning, and join Tone for the back nine, and most importantly, the 19th hole :lol:

Hey Peter not sure if you mentioned this, if so I missed it sorry. What is the total weight of the rock?
literally a ton of rock. lol. again man this stuff is beautiful. your progress and original project leaves us all in awe... this things not even done and i want it to be on Tank of the Month in May. hahaha.
just got through it whoo i wish i could have a tank that large!! i just got done plumbing my new 75g tank. learned alot from it. i know its kinda late maby but i saw this ittreeging idea. it is filtration vea apitasia. the objective is to farm tha apitasia in a area where they can eat waist comming from the tank. the main tank is pritected from outbreaks by natural methods like the copper butterfly and (in your case) alot of peppermint shrimp. just thought id bring it up i thought it was interesting but there is alot of risk or gain as the tank that had it had cryistal water.
literally a ton of rock. lol. again man this stuff is beautiful. your progress and original project leaves us all in awe... this things not even done and i want it to be on Tank of the Month in May. hahaha.

The tank most deserving of that kind of recognition is Chingchai's tank. As good as this group is we are way off that kind of recognition. Please keep the enthusiasm Anthonius, as it is this kind of positive energy that will help make this (our tank) a successful project.

just got through it whoo i wish i could have a tank that large!! i just got done plumbing my new 75g tank. learned alot from it. i know its kinda late maby but i saw this ittreeging idea. it is filtration vea apitasia. the objective is to farm tha apitasia in a area where they can eat waist comming from the tank. the main tank is pritected from outbreaks by natural methods like the copper butterfly and (in your case) alot of peppermint shrimp. just thought id bring it up i thought it was interesting but there is alot of risk or gain as the tank that had it had cryistal water.

Great idea Antonais but I think I would want a lot more experience with a tank this size before attempting a strategy like that. It could well be something I look at downstream............

Thanks for your support.....

Sure thing crvz and if you have been following the recent conversation it will be very, very clean. :cool:


Just let me know when you need my address. Or maybe I should come pick it up. ;) I'd also like to know what supplier provided the rock, so harass your fish guy for us!
Just let me know when you need my address. Or maybe I should come pick it up. ;) I'd also like to know what supplier provided the rock, so harass your fish guy for us!

No problem I'l just stick it in this envelope and lick this stamp......:jester:

I have put out the word to my fish guy on the supplier info :blown:

peter your rock is defenitaly premium
mr wilsons recomendation with elevated eggcrate is bang on.i would do a 100 percent water change at a week time though.
one question on your led lighting souronding the tank.ive searched
and i know you said it somewhere but who is the company,i know its the same as cn tower.

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