Hi Peter,
It is my belief that the nobleness you show with your approach and reasoning in this hobby commands a great respect from every fellow reefer. Of course, your coin change bucket worth probably more than the annual income of most of us! But you are right saying that a meticulous, purist (in a good way) and respectful approach to reefing is certainly attainable by everyone who cares. Thank you for this great inspiration and for the time you are giving us.
I have to admit that I am cheating right now. Usually, I read the whole thread before I ask anything by respect for the author. But this thread got me so exited, I must take a short cut and ask you these two questions right away, even if I am only now at page 25. In fact, I believe the answers will give me some good perspective on what I am reading. Please ignore them (and me

) is if they have already been answered previously.
1) We all have a story on how we fell in love with natural coral reef and fish keeping. What is yours?
2) You said at the beginning that you never had an aquarium before taking this journey. Considering that this tank will need a lot of maintenance and dedication, how can you be sure that the passion will stay for years to come? I am not trying to corner you in any way. I have maintained a "forgiven" freshwater tank for many years with some success. But even with this, I am now asking myself if I have what it need to take care of a "more fragile" saltwater ecosystem, on the long term, that will need a greater commitment before I take the plunge.
While I am here, I agree with those who said that the fourth island MUST be your own (or your team) creation. How will someone be able to create a tribute to you otherwise? More seriously, you and your team have shown so much taste up until now in this project, it would be a lost not to see what you can do while landscaping an island. Please consider offering us this ultimate eye candy.
Thank you for sharing all this with us.