Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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Well done capn, I applaud your efforts to capture the value in these exchanges. In many respects this represents the best synthesis of current thinking on many of the topics surrounding our hobby. Well worth reading and updating as the evolution continues.

Thank you again for your efforts..........


your quite welcome Peter and this is the reason why this thread is currently thread of the month
Hi Peter,

It is my belief that the nobleness you show with your approach and reasoning in this hobby commands a great respect from every fellow reefer. Of course, your coin change bucket worth probably more than the annual income of most of us! But you are right saying that a meticulous, purist (in a good way) and respectful approach to reefing is certainly attainable by everyone who cares. Thank you for this great inspiration and for the time you are giving us.

I have to admit that I am cheating right now. Usually, I read the whole thread before I ask anything by respect for the author. But this thread got me so exited, I must take a short cut and ask you these two questions right away, even if I am only now at page 25. In fact, I believe the answers will give me some good perspective on what I am reading. Please ignore them (and me ;)) is if they have already been answered previously.

1) We all have a story on how we fell in love with natural coral reef and fish keeping. What is yours?

2) You said at the beginning that you never had an aquarium before taking this journey. Considering that this tank will need a lot of maintenance and dedication, how can you be sure that the passion will stay for years to come? I am not trying to corner you in any way. I have maintained a "forgiven" freshwater tank for many years with some success. But even with this, I am now asking myself if I have what it need to take care of a "more fragile" saltwater ecosystem, on the long term, that will need a greater commitment before I take the plunge.

While I am here, I agree with those who said that the fourth island MUST be your own (or your team) creation. How will someone be able to create a tribute to you otherwise? More seriously, you and your team have shown so much taste up until now in this project, it would be a lost not to see what you can do while landscaping an island. Please consider offering us this ultimate eye candy.

Thank you for sharing all this with us.

The project is outstanding, but I have to say that the list of those contributing to this thread is making it one of the best I have read
The project is outstanding, but I have to say that the list of those contributing to this thread is making it one of the best I have read

Thanks, I try to help where I can:dance:

So peter have you talked about any :fish1: lists yet? Obvioulsy your going to keep every coral on the planet in there but what sort of fish are you looking at? If I may suggest something it would be a large school of something. I think schools look amazing, no matter what the specie. Most of us don't have tanks large enough, but a huge school of a schooling specie moving around your tank would look spectacular. I have seen as simple as a school of chromis take over the tank and no one even pays attention to the corals.
im new to this website and love the tank so do i subscribe to it?

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This thread has been very educational so far...
I'm learning a lot about the basics of reefkeeping...
The kind of basics i zoomed right by in my hurry to get my tank full.
Its good to get back to the basics...
and see them applied by someone with an obvious passion for the hobby and attention to detail.

Thanks and ill be keeping a close eye as things develop

K claws
Well, 15 pages read so far......going to subscribe so that I can try to get all the way caught up at some point. I am so tempted to look forward and skip a few pages but what would be the fun in that......

Nineball- Awesome, I've spent some time exploring architecture and design and all I can say is, you've got my attention. Most houses these days are of low quality, poorly designed and even more poorly thought out. Each of us has a responsibility to take care of ourselves and our own personal environment and I applaud you for your response to those of us with smaller tanks. A well managed smaller tank would be far more impactful on our psyche than a giant tank that we have no way to manage.

Yep, I've ONLY got a 2000 sqft house. Yep, I've ONLY got an 600 sqft deck (that I designed and built) and yes, I ONLY have a 54 gallon tank.........but you and I, along with many others understand that there is more to this hobby and life than how much money we spent or how

Kudos to you. God bless you, your wife and all of the RC members.
WOOHOO!!! A few days ago I wandered into the large tank forum, I only occasionally even click in here. Well saw this and clicked on it, saw a crane lowering a tank into a house and have been hooked ever since. Read through all the posts, have all kinds of other links to read. Never read chings for instance but have just started it now, looks to be a great read and sure it will take up the next couple weeks of my life. And some other links I've gotta read through.
Just wanted to say, amazing build so far, and the info shared in this thread has been just so informative I've gotta say thanks to Peter for having the courage for taking on this project and bringing so many reefers together to discuss and share thoughts. All the people contributing are giving some of the best advice, I must thank everyone posting.
Thanks again, good luck and congrats on thread of the month. Now onto Chings thread, keep the updates coming, can't wait to see this project come together.
An Admission...........

An Admission...........

Anyone who has had the good fortune to meet and greet such a large community during a build will appreciate this, but there are times when I'm afraid to even stop by for a peek. Especially when I am rushed for some unrelated reason.

The energy in this place is always so positive its a testament on just how terrific folks can be in this place when the conditions are right. Again I am proud of the positive climate everyone has contributed to and the time everyone has taken to examine the issues at every stage. When I read a lengthy post that takes the time to detail the best practice I am always left feeling that I can't do enough to recognize just how helpful you folks are to me and others in this group. A simple thank you never seems adequate.

We are engaging in dialog with some of the best this domain has to offer and to that end capn-hyliner is generously ensuring that the 'good stuff' gets captured in the capn's log. Great idea that we all can benefit from. Mr Wilson, who is clearly at times trying to deny me sleep with the research and reference material is without a doubt the chapter heading for each chapter in this book we are collectively writing. The relevant growing community from Australia is extremely relevant for this build as I expect much of the animal and plant life will originate from that part of the world. Aaaannnd I think everyone will agree that there are some great reefers who are bringing their experience and encouragement to this build.

I remember at one point in Chingchai's build there was a quiet period where we were starving for pictures around the time of his live rock sculpting. I think I now understand some of the issues in the background that caused the delays. I need to have the fundamental structures working in the fish room before I can contemplate putting the live rock in the tank. The final (almost final) decisions were just made yesterday for the electrical and plumbing. Most if not all the plumbing will be surface mounted to allow easy access for the inevitable downstream changes as well as maintenance. The sled has most of the primary display tank machinery defined to the point that we can now finish the drywall. There was a last minute change to the fish room's physical footprint stealing more space from my wife's storage room.

Another reason for the lack of info on the fish room itself has been that it is sort of like a house within a house when you think of it. All electrical systems have been designed so that they are isolated from the house but still dedicated to the emergency generator. I augmented the power for the house by adding an additional 200 amps which looks like a good idea in retrospect. I think most of that additional capacity will in fact go to the aquarium and its support systems. The HVAC is getting more elabourate and in fact may ultimately become two separate systems to ensure that the house is not impacted from the aquarium presence. As I have mentioned I have just made the decision to double the original design for the closed loop with two chillers, two UV and two canister filters. They will be plumbed into the tank in such a way as to run two zones to emphasize the strength of the flow around the elbow of the 'L'. ATM who built the tank was fine with the water column flow dynamics before this change might find this excessive but I am going with the advice from this community to make sure we have reserve power if necessary. So let it be known again, that this really is your build so your involvement really does have an impact. Also the two CL systems are being designed so that one can be taken off line for maintenance while the other carries the whole load for the period. If I just want to clean the pipes I can still have the two pumps feed the whole system if necessary or I can take one pump off line and have the other connect to the whole system. I hope that just made sense.

I have to break from this monologue to get my egg crate stuff for the water change which is happening this afternoon with three guys who are helping me move through the 2200 lbs of rock, with gloves and the discipline that has been suggested to me from this group......I will be following most of the advice and checklist from Mr. Wilson's helpful guide. The only thing I will not be doing will be the toothbrush cleaning.........for that I got a bigger (soft) brush.

So with only one unrelated picture I leave you to do my duty to the live rock. The pic is of me and Cliff Thorburn testing the new pool table. Cliff says "HI" to everyone on the forum.



John from DQI insisted on a pic with Cliff ........ so here it is John!!!
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Wow. I think I finally just finished reading all the posts. Very impressive to say the least. I must say you have a hell of a home and an incredible passion for this hobby (obsession). Having been a scuba diver since the age of 14 and enjoying taking trips around the world to scuba dive, I've always wanted a tank big enough to recreate some of my favorite spots or features underwater. Your tank is my dream. One day, I will aspire to create something as beautiful as you are doing and hopefully do some of my favorite dive spots justice. Until then, I'll have to make do with my 125, 92 corner, and multitude of other smaller tanks until I have the resources, and time to dedicate to such an undertaking. You are truly an inspiration on how to do things right the first time. I cant wait to see what it looks like when completed.

any thoughts as to what you will be keeping? I read about your tribute to your inspirations and i think that's very noble but do you have any insight as to if its going to be predominantly one kind of coral? or a mix?

cause I've always wanted to do a mixed reef with everything from SPS, lps, triggers, sharks, clams, and pretty much everything in the ocean that eats each other and doesn't go together.

oh and one last question... what coral will you definitely have? One that you cannot do without...

Just curious
this one's for you!!

Thank you salsipuedes, we welcome you to our community project. The four grand masters will dictate the coral composition and I am determined to execute on that original vision. If you look at Chingchai's tank you will get an idea of some of the composition for part of my landscape or should I say seascape. So SPS is certainly on the menu. Also if you are familiar with Chingchai's thread you will know that he has a separate display tank for his 'softies', which are predominantly sponges. They are extremely difficult to care for and he in fact has suggested to most in our community that it not even be attempted. The example he has given us however is that if there are some elements that you want but won't work for whatever reason in your main display tank then create a smaller second or third display tank that can be part of your fish room. That will be my plan as this project progresses.

Hi Peter,

It is my belief that the nobleness you show with your approach and reasoning in this hobby commands a great respect from every fellow reefer. Of course, your coin change bucket worth probably more than the annual income of most of us! But you are right saying that a meticulous, purist (in a good way) and respectful approach to reefing is certainly attainable by everyone who cares. Thank you for this great inspiration and for the time you are giving us.

I have to admit that I am cheating right now. Usually, I read the whole thread before I ask anything by respect for the author. But this thread got me so exited, I must take a short cut and ask you these two questions right away, even if I am only now at page 25. In fact, I believe the answers will give me some good perspective on what I am reading. Please ignore them (and me ;)) is if they have already been answered previously.

1) We all have a story on how we fell in love with natural coral reef and fish keeping. What is yours?

2) You said at the beginning that you never had an aquarium before taking this journey. Considering that this tank will need a lot of maintenance and dedication, how can you be sure that the passion will stay for years to come? I am not trying to corner you in any way. I have maintained a "forgiven" freshwater tank for many years with some success. But even with this, I am now asking myself if I have what it need to take care of a "more fragile" saltwater ecosystem, on the long term, that will need a greater commitment before I take the plunge.

While I am here, I agree with those who said that the fourth island MUST be your own (or your team) creation. How will someone be able to create a tribute to you otherwise? More seriously, you and your team have shown so much taste up until now in this project, it would be a lost not to see what you can do while landscaping an island. Please consider offering us this ultimate eye candy.

Thank you for sharing all this with us.


Thank you very much Sylvain et bienvenue...........

I don't have the time at the moment to answer your two questions properly except to say that the Great Barrier Reef has a lot to do with the scale of this project. I have had a number of smaller 2-300 gal fresh water tanks over the years and have always felt that I could have had more with salt water but was too scared of the long term commitment. I guess I can't guarantee what the future will look like but I know I will never regret undertaking this project for all the positive experience I am enjoying even now. It hasn't stopped being scary from time to time........but that's what this place is all about........sharing your fears about this hobby to others that understand.

More on this later when I have more time.......

The project is outstanding, but I have to say that the list of those contributing to this thread is making it one of the best I have read

I could not agree with you more muttley. And it keeps getting better every day with the excellent contributions from the growing community.

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