coral thief on video

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aw man that sucks, im almost positive that the guy in that video sold me a fish at the MAX in costa mesa ca not too long ago. he said he was from utah, looks just like him. super nice guy.
i wouldnt say theyre dead, ive seen sps go through alot more than that. i load mine into buckets and drive them to my buddys pad to frag all the time, the whole time theyre bouncin around knockin into each other on the ride there. i would definetly keep an eye out on the forums if anyone knows what the coral looked like

It would be nice if we could somehow watch the Buy/Sell/Trade forums and see if these corals pop up at all.

I am pretty sure the SPS died though. No way it lived through that much shock.
aw man that sucks, im almost positive that the guy in that video sold me a fish at the MAX in costa mesa ca not too long ago. he said he was from utah, looks just like him. super nice guy.

The guy stealing things?

Do you remember his name or a store? You can PM me if you want to keep things confidential.
Something similiar happend here in Memphis a few years ago. The guy took coral from sale tanks and just dumped them, dry, into the pockets of a large coat. He did it a couple times before anyone realized what had happend. What tipped the LFS owner off was on one previous visit the guy jokingly asked one of the workers "How you think that would do in my pocket?"
I was persent for the next time he came into the store. LFS owner got an order banning the guy from the premisis and jail time if he called the cops and they caught him. Dude walked in (right after LFS told me the story and showed me the order) and got sent packing. Well, some time later a friend opened his own store and just to be safe got the same order out against the guy. Sure enough, I'm standing there talking to my buddy when this guy walks in. My friend orders him right back out and tells him if he ever sees him again he's going to jail.
Funny. Now that everyone in the community knows who he is, the guys practically shunned. When that LFS owner on that video says we're a "tight knit community" he isn't kidding.
Its amazing someone would do this... I actually caught someone in my store with a baggie of water in his pocket and he was reaching into one of the frag tanks when i walked by... He got immediately escorted out and told never to come back. sad thing was, he was a regular until then. i considered him a friend as well.

Hope they get his a$$. stealing from your LFS is like stealing from family IMHO.
Its amazing someone would do this... I actually caught someone in my store with a baggie of water in his pocket and he was reaching into one of the frag tanks when i walked by... He got immediately escorted out and told never to come back. sad thing was, he was a regular until then. i considered him a friend as well.

Hope they get his a$$. stealing from your LFS is like stealing from family IMHO.

Haha I wouldn't go that far.. I am convinced that when I started in this hobby in 2005 that my LFS was deliberately giving me false information about husbandry so I was consistenly come back to buy more corals and product.. Not quite family..
Not sure why people are surprised. Things of value + opportunity - morals = theft.

It's an unfortunate cost of doing business. Having security cameras, coral tanks with hoods/locks or that are so tall/deep that without a ladder it's essentially impossible to get in; are all good things to do...

But bottom line is - if someone wants to take your stuff they will. Same goes for houses/cars/other stuff. Pay your insurance, take your precautions and hope that karma works it's magic..

All that said - I absolutely HATE people like this. Feeling entitled to someone elses posessions is one of my least favorite human attributes.
Its amazing someone would do this... I actually caught someone in my store with a baggie of water in his pocket and he was reaching into one of the frag tanks when i walked by... He got immediately escorted out and told never to come back. sad thing was, he was a regular until then. i considered him a friend as well.

Hope they get his a$$. stealing from your LFS is like stealing from family IMHO.

I always used to watch anyone with a large coffee cup or big gulp cup like a hawk. More than once I've caught someone trying to catch a fish into cup. Also discovered over the years, some of the most regular customers were some of the biggest thieves. Had one guy that would routinely drop several hundred on corals and fish every couple of weeks, caught him shop lifting the little $9 boxes of Instant Ocean :rolleyes:

Never entered my mind that people would shoplift corals.

They'll steal anything that isn't nailed down, and some might even bring a crowbar for the stuff that is nailed down. Even had someone steal an entire cash register once. Cops caught him (he'd been doing the same thing to many other stores in the area). In our case, the laugh was on him...the reason that particular register was an easy mark for him was because it wasn't in use...nothing in it :lol:
Part of doing business. I had a few things stolen- some recovered some not. It is true that the pet shop people- although we compete, we help each other out on theft. I think that the corals will be fragged and survive- I also think that the publicity for the shop will likely cover any loss.
Brutal. A fellow here dumped a bottle of javex in a 180 gallon tank(beautiful reef) and the owner lost everything in the tank. Found out who it was and he was charged. Apparently the store ripped him off on a light fixture, but no excuse for that sort of thing.
Makes me sick that people will do this.
A friend of mine owns a LFS specalizing in corals most of his tanks are open top frag tanks easy to get to.
But he has a light sensor on his front door so when people walk in or out you here the bell so if he or an employee isnt near the front they know when someone walks in.
Im suprised this store didnt have a sensor if they did and it kept going off and on and the same person was only there it would of gave them a clue something was fishy (no pun intended).
This is happenning way to much these days LFS's really need to keep a close eye on things.

My buddy has video of customers putting hands into frag tanks then turning around so you cant see what they are doing.

He keeps a close eye on these people now.

I hope they catch these guys and punish to the full extent of the law.
this is ridiculous! looks like these store owners should be putting some kind of anti-theft device on top of the tank. something with lasers and an alarm. shouldn't have to do that, but people will do anything to obtain what they want.
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