coral thief on video

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Haha I wouldn't go that far.. I am convinced that when I started in this hobby in 2005 that my LFS was deliberately giving me false information about husbandry so I was consistenly come back to buy more corals and product.. Not quite family..

Yea i know how this sounds... and figured I would get some flak for saying so... for the longest time i shared your opinion. I know a few places like that. I used to always say, never trust someone that is trying to sell you something. The LFS that i manage is really focused on having very knowledgeable staff and helping the customers make informed decisions about the livestock choices, etc... We have a very family type vibe...but anyway im getting off topic.
i think if i actually saw the guy in the act i would have to floor him.
i used to do loss prevention and you would be amazed at the things ppl steal and surprized by the ppl that actually do it!
i quit when i caught a 80 year old woman stealing lobsters. i just couldnt hand the thought that its all types not just the ones that look shady!
i think if i actually saw the guy in the act i would have to floor him.
i used to do loss prevention and you would be amazed at the things ppl steal and surprized by the ppl that actually do it!
i quit when i caught a 80 year old woman stealing lobsters. i just couldnt hand the thought that its all types not just the ones that look shady!

+1 I do LP, it's crazy to see the ppl that steal
Apparently the store ripped him off on a light fixture,

I always shake my head when I hear this one. How does a store rip someone off? Did they point a gun at the customers head and say "buy this ridiculously overpriced item or I'll shoot"? After all, it's not like one doesn't have the option of simply not buying at that store at walking out with their money still in their wallet.

Im suprised this store didnt have a sensor if they did and it kept going off and on and the same person was only there it would of gave them a clue something was fishy (no pun intended).
This is happenning way to much these days LFS's really need to keep a close eye on things.

This really only works in stores with low customer volume. If the store is busy, the thing is going off so often that it is impossible to keep such a tight eye on things without actually ignoring customers. Once you start ignoring customers you will start loosing more money from the loss of business than you would from the shop lifting.

i think if i actually saw the guy in the act i would have to floor him.
i used to do loss prevention and you would be amazed at the things ppl steal and surprized by the ppl that actually do it!
i quit when i caught a 80 year old woman stealing lobsters. i just couldnt hand the thought that its all types not just the ones that look shady!

Once watched a lady pull up to curb in front of the shop door in a Jaguar, wearing a mink coat. She walked back to cat food, dropped a 39 cent can of cat food in the pocket of that mink coat and walked right past the cash register and out the door and drove off in that Jaguar. We were all just too dumbfounded that someone that could afford a Jaguar and a mink coat was shoplifting a can of the cheapest cat food on the shelf.
I always shake my head when I hear this one. How does a store rip someone off? Did they point a gun at the customers head and say "buy this ridiculously overpriced item or I'll shoot"? After all, it's not like one doesn't have the option of simply not buying at that store at walking out with their money still in their wallet.

Not quite that my friend. This storeowner was notoriuos for this crap.Currently out of business. When this guy trusts this guy and he asks for a fixture ( he asked for 3x250 watt metal halide with actinics and the guy brings in an odyssea and charges him $1500.00 and the guy finds out that e-bay and aquatraders sell them for $500-$600 yeah I'd have a problem too!!!!)

uar and a mink coat waThis really only works in stores with low customer volume. If the store is busy, the thing is going off so often that it is impossible to keep such a tight eye on things without actually ignoring customers. Once you start ignoring customers you will start loosing more money from the loss of business than you would from the shop lifting.

Once watched a lady pull up to curb in front of the shop door in a Jaguar, wearing a mink coat. She walked back to cat food, dropped a 39 cent can of cat food in the pocket of that mink coat and walked right past the cash register and out the door and drove off in that Jaguar. We were all just too dumbfounded that someone that could afford a Jags shoplifting a can of the cheapest cat food on the shelf.
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Originally Posted by Megatrev62 View Post
Apparently the store ripped him off on a light fixture,
I always shake my head when I hear this one. How does a store rip someone off? Did they point a gun at the customers head and say "buy this ridiculously overpriced item or I'll shoot"? After all, it's not like one doesn't have the option of simply not buying at that store at walking out with their money still in their wallet.
Figured it out lol. Read as above.
Posting before sufficient coffee intake? :lol:

Though that light bit still goes back to he didn't have open up his wallet and fork over the money. Always do your homework first, and also expect to pay a LFS more than online prices ;)
This customer trusted the owner and handed over his cheque when ordering. (There's a story behind that as well) -most wouldn't do it ofcourse but he did.Took 2 months to get it in also. I hear you but he trusted the guy and he did him. Most of us here were well aware of his tactics and I agree buyer beware but those of us who found out the story were not one bit surprised.
Though that light bit still goes back to he didn't have open up his wallet and fork over the money. Always do your homework first, and also expect to pay a LFS more than online prices

I agree and this guy definitely learned a lesson!!!
Something like this happened in Boston too...except the guy walked in with a coffee cup , if I recall correctly, that was empty and simply filled the cup with water from the tank and helped himself to everything he could fit in it. I don't remember the exact details beyond that but I know now people who aren't regulars are certainly watched if they have any sort of container walking into the store. I habitually am always enjoying a cup of coffee when I shop there but out of respect I ask them to throw the cup away before I leave just as my little way of saying "hey, there are still good honest people in this world"
If its coral from sea we could say it's fair coz he stole it from ocean and that guy stole it from him. But since its farm grown coral it's a sad situation.

He's a guy selling farm grown coral and in that case doing some good to the reefs around the world, how small he's contribution is still its count.

Well bad things always happened to the good people.
This thread saddens me. I would never steal unless it was a matter of life and death - and then it would be stealing food for my family, not corals.

When people give me incorrect change, I always give it back. If something is mismarked in the store, I point it out. Once I was in a LFS buying a protein skimmer, and the clerk mistakenly entered $32 for the purchase instead of $320. We were all talking fish so no one was paying attention. Only when I went to sign my credit card receipt did I know that something was wrong. When I pointed it out, the store manager almost passed out :)

I would rather have nothing and be happy, than surround myself with stolen goods. Where is the pleasure in having a tank with stolen corals in it? Have you no self-respect?
If its coral from sea we could say it’s fair coz he stole it from ocean

Wow. Talk about a cultural difference. Remind me to watch my wallet next time I'm in Sri Lanka where you have rules about what is ok to steal.

Is it ok to steal wood because it comes from trees? Is it ok to steal eggs because the farmer took them from the chickens? Really?
If its coral from sea we could say it's fair coz he stole it from ocean and that guy stole it from him. But since its farm grown coral it's a sad situation.

He's a guy selling farm grown coral and in that case doing some good to the reefs around the world, how small he's contribution is still its count.

Well bad things always happened to the good people.

Well off to the jewerly store for some diamonds.

I bet the owner paid for the corals though.
In srilanka coral mining is strictly prohibited coz people like us who lives in islands understand the value of the coral unlike some other people who lives in 100 miles away from sea. But still we keep losing lot of it to the FS owners around the world.

I used to work for couple of big Aquarium shop chains in Europe and UK.I know exactley how they get their corals.

I believe guys like BonsaiNut does not understand how big this issue is coz he’s comparing coral to the wood or eggs. And talking about cultural difference we don’t go toppling governments in other countries just to steal their oil.
In srilanka coral mining is strictly prohibited coz people like us who lives in islands understand the value of the coral unlike some other people who lives in 100 miles away from sea. But still we keep losing lot of it to the FS owners around the world.

I used to work for couple of big Aquarium shop chains in Europe and UK.I know exactley how they get their corals.

I believe guys like BonsaiNut does not understand how big this issue is coz he's comparing coral to the wood or eggs. And talking about cultural difference we don't go toppling governments in other countries just to steal their oil.

FYI you may wish to be a little less extreme and political if you wish to continue to post on RC.
It is up to you however. Good luck.
The sad fact remains, dishonest people will steal anything, if they get the opportunity. Yes it's a coral, and that makes it worse somehow.

Osi, to argue that the coral was stolen from the ocean is irrelevant. At the time of the theft, the coral was something that belonged to the store. Let's say the coral was worth $30 of profit to the business owner. If the thief stole $30 worth of dry merchandise, would this thread even exist? Probably not, but it's still theft, which is wrong.
And talking about cultural difference we don't go toppling governments in other countries just to steal their oil.
We don't?
Uh oh.
Hey, guys? Uh, stop what your doing and put the oil back. Yeah, apparently we don't go toppling governments just to steal their oil. I'll call everybody else and tell them to hold off on the toppeling until we find another reason than oil to be here, toppeling and stuff, cause thats what we do.
What's that? Cheap labor? Yeah, that works!
OK. Never mind. Toppel on. :spin1:
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