Corals For A Cause : )

HUGE thanks to [MENTION=266912]calistyle[/MENTION] for his amazing generosity , he has donated a 25 polyp colony of true jfox bloodshots.

His only request was that it be an auction. Starts now at $350 with $25 increments and ends on SunDay June 9, 2019 at 12pm (noon) pst...meaning the winning bid will be the last posted bid at 11:59am....let the games for charity begin.

Again, if this isnt allowed per RC rules, please delete. THANKS
The JF Raunch red bounce sold. Thank you [MENTION=370527]ddelmonaco[/MENTION]

Thank you at [MENTION=266912]calistyle[/MENTION] again for your generosity.
This thread is awesome. I'm tankless ATM due to finances, but I have a pair of Tunze 6055 pumps, used for 6 mo, with a Tunze 7092 controller for $220 shipped, 50% to the fund.
FS- QT System. Pick up in Orange. 50 percent will be donated to the cause. $150

What's included-

Metal Rack Shelf... wood shelves are covered in shower liner.
3 x 20 gallon long tanks
3 x MJ 400
3 x Sponge Filter Connections
1 x Air Pump with multiple outlets
1 x 50 watt heater, 2 x 100 watt heaters
3 x magnetic thermometers

All you need is 3 sponge filter replacements, and 3 air stones.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks Vu and Cody [MENTION=299202]vuqchu[/MENTION] & [MENTION=207066]BeanMachine[/MENTION] for helping contribute to help the needy. You guys ROCK :thumbsup:
Sorry the post is for the auction on the blood shots. Thanks Jordan for offer this up.
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Jimbo gets the jfox bloodshot colony for $350...thanks again Jordan [MENTION=266912]calistyle[/MENTION]
Thank you all for the out pour supports and the generosities for the good cause.

I just want to provide an update status for the fund raise as of now. I have received an amount $1,650 for all of your supports donated/sold/bought of corals and sold my gem tang and lineatus. I have also received $200 from one of engineer staffs, who was also generous to donate to this very good cause. Therefore, the total amount is now standing at $1,850, which will be donated to about 4-5 different needy facilities at my home town from my Mother's land.

I will update and send photos as around the last week of June, as we travel heavily during the first 8 days after we arrived. I will send photos to my buddies and they might be able to help me to upload.

Once again, greatly appreciated for all of the out pour generosities and supports from my buddies and some of you, whom I have never met before.

Got Reef :-)!!!
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I'll sell a 20 long, heater, thermometer, maxi jet- $25 each. Quantity Avail 3.

Or take it all, including the shelf and air pump, for $130.
Thanks to everyone who donated corals and/or money. Steve sent me a few pics to show the happy faces on the children.

He's been enjoying his vacation with his family but after a few days, he went to exchange the money that we collected and he became an insta-millionaire


Then off he went to his first stop


and the children

then he went to another place and bought out the farm it seems


and made many children in need very happy.

and lastly they posted this sign...i believe it says "Thank you kind reefers of southern california, you are all phat...especially that lowbudget dude"

now don't quote me on that translation since I don't read or speak maybe one of you guys can translate or we will wait till Steve gets back and gives us more of the back story.

Thank you Jesse! I will post more fotos, when I’m back to LA. For some reasons, I cannot post from my phone.

Greatly appreciated to all for your generous. A little things we do to lend a small helping hands to these less unfortunates, make their day more happiness. Especially the kids, they were full of life and happiness with a small lucky envelop.