New member
Some goodies we'll have. So excited for this event. If you've never been, it's well worth the drive.
silly question but will there be anyone selling/trading fish there? I know it says frags but one of your vendors sell fish so I was curious to know if they were selling fish also
That is an amazing piece. I am trying to figure out where I could put it...
Heck of a list me and a friend are bringing.
My friend has
These are limited quantities
joe knows reefs rainbow Acro
Oregon tort
Tierra del Fuego
pro corals rainbow Acro
cb last shadow chalice
sc dynamite chalice
darth maul favia
(tropps overdose chalice colony pre sale only)
cb ppe chalice
These are in larger quantities
items more then 2 available
Utter chaos
black hornet only 2
jf jacko lepto
sexy corals angel eyes favia
sexy corals nuclear sunset mushroom
sexy corals labomba chalice
jf biohazard chalice colony
more acros
aqua delight
Lime in sky
palmers blue
tyree blue lightning
tyree blue matrix
wet thumb mother of pearl
Coolers champaign
Red planet
Frog skin
joe the coral
And a whole slew of monties
Seasons greetings
Tyree true superman
Tyree sunset
Tyree true undata
Jedi mind trick
ORA spongeods
ORA Jeremy's
JF setosa
UWW rainbow starburst
Reef tech starburst cap
And some z/p
Space monsters
Here's a few pics. If anyone wants more pics or prices let me know.
I'll get pics of the montis tonight