Cut from a coral on my finger


New member
About a week or two ago i realized a cut on my finger after moving around some corals from my tank. I know I should be wearing gloves when I put my hand in the tank, but I often forget to wear them. I ignored the cut and now I realized that the tip of my finger is starting to tint red and feel a bit numb. Should I be worried and what action should I take?
Thanks in advance.

There hasn't been any changes within the past three days.
use Neosporin and a Band-Aid. if puss starts oozing out then I would see a doctor. It has always cleared up in 2 days for me.
I agree with jonnyu. If the area is pink and inflamed, you have some localized infection going on around the area. Triple-antibiotic ointment and a bandaid should be fine. HOWEVER, be very aware of that numbness issue, and go to a doctor immediately if the numbness spreads or if you see red lines spreading from the wound (this indicates probable septicemia).
Given that it's been a week, I would have your primary take a look at it. I usually have some swelling and discomfort from tank related cuts for a few days. A week seems a bit long.
If you are like me - our hands are constantly getting wet in and around your tank. As you know Saltwater has loads of bacteria in it and any cut (big or small) can get infected. See a doc as you may need to take some anti-bacteria medication. My guess is that it is just infected but not worth the chance. +1 on everything the others have said. There are some Corals and Zoas that are highly toxic and extra care is required. You may want to read-up on what you have in your tank. Remember the ocean and our imitation oceans are very aggressive places. Good luck with the cut.
Why not just take the arm below the humerus to cover all bases.

Or you can try the ointment for a few days first, tough choice.
Given that it's been a week, I would have your primary take a look at it. I usually have some swelling and discomfort from tank related cuts for a few days. A week seems a bit long.

This. Loads of stuff that could cause an infection from a coral cut, including such problematic infections such as vibrio and Mycobacterium marinum (aka fish tuberculosis).
I had the same problem 5 years ago and it got fairly bad. I was putting neosporin on it and it didn't help. It could have been that I had my hands in the tanks all day and could only put it on after work.

I finally showed my boss and he told me to put peroxide on it several times a day. I would do this and let it sit for a few minutes before getting my hands back in. It started to clear up and went away. I learned peroxide was my best friend. You probably will need to put peroxide on 2-3 times a day depending on what you do with your hands. I really think this will work for you. If it doesn't start to work in a day or two then I would see a doctor.
Happens often to me. Soak the finger in a small cup of hydrogen peroxide to clean it, then neo if you want. Use the peroxide a couple times. If you cut the finger off how are you going to pick your nose?
Just over a nasty infection on my thumb, but I was dumb...

Had a cut on the finger before working in the tank, then when it got infected I did nothing for about 3 weeks. Well, it swelled up pretty good!! After the dr cutting into it and a week of two antibiotics it is now a lot better.

Being stupid is just stupid!!

Recomend going to a urgent care clinic to check yourself out tetanus shot might be needed if your not up to date with vaccines if your primary isnt available. I work for a clinic this is something the doctors generally do determining on what you were cut with how severe the wound looks and what not.
Just dip it
Or use hypo salinity.
That cures everything.
You def need to see a Dr. That sounds like you are starting to get cellulitis.
You def need some antibiotics.
Just dip it
Or use hypo salinity.
That cures everything.
You def need to see a Dr. That sounds like you are starting to get cellulitis.
You def need some antibiotics.

The Doctor has spoken, and the Rn agrees.

Novahobbies- the red streaks are usually cellulitis. Followed by fever and chills, then likely septicemia.