Cutting ORA frag plug???

dremmel will work, i always let new frags set in tank for about a week then pop them off and glue them to rock work b4 they have a chance to encrust.
The ora plugs are like that so you know right away that it's an ora coral, plus algae does not grow on it. Bandsaw is the way to cut them flush
I go with the squeezing the mounting area with pliers in a kneeding manner until the frag pops out the top. I have had good luck getting the encrustation to come off at the same time attached as the ORA frags are pretty smooth and dont give the encrustation much to grip. Then a bit of glue on the bottom and the encrustation is ready to take off on the rockwork. I have never tried cutting the plug, I try not to mount any portion of frag plugs to my rockwork as a personal preference.
I always use a hacksaw, just put the plug in a vice and have at it.

I know this is an old thread, but a hacksaw is the way to go with these plugs. Just placed it in a vice and sawed a circular disk off a fully encrusted plug. Works great!