cutting toadstool


New member
I have a toadstool that I purchased when it was small. It has now grown to a pretty good size, and when it extends out all the way it covers some of my other corals up preventing light from getting to them. I was told that you can cut a toadstool in different pieces to create new smaller ones. Can anybody tell me more info on this, and how to do it if it is possible. thanks
take a scissor and cut it. Use a toothpick to poke it through and tight the toothpick to a rock.
I usually cut the entire head off of mine when I frag them. I've never tried cutting a circle around the head. I think I might give that a try tomorrow.

For those that have done it, do you find th re-growth to be quicker? That's the only thing I don't like about cutting the entire head off, it usually takes them 2-3 weeks to begin to form another head...
I cut the entire head. I then cust those into many many small 1 in pieces. I sew them to an individual rock. The main one takes several weeks to regrow, however the frags sprount in days!