Cycle seems to be going quickly?


New member
Is it possible to have such a quick cycle with uncured MI rock? At this rate it should be near complete in a few days.

Put rock in 10/18
10/19 Ammonia 0.5ppm, Nitrite near 0
10/21 Ammonia 0.0 - 0.25ppm, Nitrite > 1.0 ppm

pH 8.2
Alk normal color range
Salinity 1.0255 (refractometer)
Temp 81.0
Calcium 380 ( does this need to be higher?) I have ESV 2 part
That is not uncommon to hear about our rock at all. Our rock comes in to us after being out of the ocean at about 36 - 48hrs max. We then retank the rock and keep it in our systems until we pull it out to ship on to you. When you treat the rock this way, as if it is live coral, you really retain quite a bit of life and minimize the amount of dieoff you have.

It sounds like you are almost through the cycle!
