cycling a tank


Iam useing live sand,and live rock that has very little corralline algae. I have been doing 20% water changes weekly.How long does it take to spike, or will it ever has long as i do water changes. I always check no3, no2, nh3/nh4, ca2+ just before the water change.They are all okay, and have very little algae bloom.
I think doing a WC dilutes the ammonia so it would prevent or prolong the cycle. Leave the tank alone for a week, then check it.
The water test i do are after one week,This is somthing i am trying out. Tank has been setup for 4 weeks now, I have added xenia, zoos, mushrooms, red leather, so far all are doing great,also a clownfish.They always say never add any livestock, until it has cycled.Just trying it out.