d2mini's 130g Rimless Cube

Wow, coming along nicely.

Could you show in a little more detail how you have the GAC & GFO plumbed in, i can't see how you have the smaller pipework feeding those coming from the larger diameter main plumbing.

And i'm pretty sure the 'Designer' in you is going to have to do something about that spaghetti of power cables , i'm looking forward to that too. Mine is a complete mess as i don't even have the DJ power block things.

I'll see what I can do about getting a better pic. But i just have both in and out plumbing in the skimmer section, along with the powerhead that's driving it. The outlet plumbing actually feeds back into the filter sock to prevent microbubbles.

And that's funny about the wires because I was thinking to myself that the pic looks worse than it really is. I do have most of the cables tied up and out of the way. Definitely neater than my last tank. :)
Holy Crap! I just got done reading through this entire thread and I loved every freakin second! I cannot believe the attention to detail, everything is just so clean and modern looking, and I am really liking the house as well! There seems to be alot of really good reefers in Texas, cant wait to become a Texan my self! :)

Lookin good!

Did you set up your ATO yet? Are you still having the overflow level fluctuating?

Curious as I want to setup a Herbie too!

love the video you should make one showing your sump in action as well keep the updates coming great job
Thanks! I actually mention in the description of the video on youtube that I'll do some more that show the equipment setup. :thumbsup:

Tank is looking good. Curious to what your feeding plan is going to be for the sponges?
Last night I through in some coral frenzy, but not sure if that will do much for them. I do want to get some stuff like phytofeast this weekend.

what are you using for the pics, a Nikon D3?
Close, a D700.


Lookin good!

Did you set up your ATO yet? Are you still having the overflow level fluctuating?

Curious as I want to setup a Herbie too!
Thanks! I have not started my ATO project yet. The little bit of fluctuation is no big deal though. I need to add RO water to the tank whether it's fluctuating or not.
They keep moving around. I know one of them was under the rock shelf behind a big sponge. Not sure where the other one was.
Dennis, how is the flow working for you... I see the sand in the front corner is being blown by the Vortechs... Good, bad in different...?
Dennis, how is the flow working for you... I see the sand in the front corner is being blown by the Vortechs... Good, bad in different...?
So far so good! The flow hits that front corner and then bounces through the tank. Between that, and the pull from the vortechs, i get at least decent flow. Down the center (from sand bottom to water surface) i've got uber flow. So I have a pretty good mix. When i dropped in some Phytofeast last night it just went everywhere instantly.

Dude, seriously, will you adopt me. (:
Only if I can ride that bike!

I am so lucky to find this thread.
Dennis. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful set-up.
Cool! Thanks.
So far so good! The flow hits that front corner and then bounces through the tank. Between that, and the pull from the vortechs, i get at least decent flow. Down the center (from sand bottom to water surface) i've got uber flow. So I have a pretty good mix. When i dropped in some Phytofeast last night it just went everywhere instantly.

I know hind sight is 20/20, but don't you think it would have been better to have one vortech on the left and one on the right side of the overflow. This way you could alternate the current from clockwise to counter clockwise ?
That might be worth someone trying as an experiment, but I'm not picturing it as being an any better than what I have now as far as the amount of flow throughout the tank. Plus this would have compromised the water skimming part of the overflow.
I currently have the pumps in reefcrest mode set to anti-sync and it's working out pretty good so far. No complaints.
Love the video!
Can't wait for the sump video *hops from foot to foot*
You have some great flow in there.

I think my favorite sponge you have is the little orange one in the shape of a ball. It's so cool looking and the color is great.

Glad to see your urchin doing his thing.