d2mini's 130g Rimless Cube


The most recent fts i have is from a few pages back. This one....

Congrats on the little one. Mine seems to dictate whether my day will be good or bad (wakes up smiling vs crying). Tank looks fantastic as well. Would you mind repeating where you purchased the sponges?

The sponges were included with my purchase from Tampa Bay Saltwater. He throws those in for free!
Now if only I could get them to last long term. :(
Ya sponges are kind of the short term aesthetic livestock. I have a few small red sponges growing on my LR but they dissolve and reappear periodically.
Just finished reading all 34 pages....
WOW! I needed to grab a spare QT tank to hold my drool... Your tank is gorgeous, as well at the beautiful baby and the cute dog. I, like someone else a few pages back, just started out with a Flu-val Edge Reef, and this is so inspiring I want to make the jump to something bigger and better. I already feel like I need to move up in size but as a college kid I need to start saving for that. Cant wait for more pictures :-)

I have the Fluval Edge at work. Stock lighting is horrible so I upgraded to two 13w CF fixtures stuffed into the hood but still not good enough with not enough spread so now I'm waiting on my nanotuners LED fixture. :)
Just finished reading all 34 pages....
WOW! I needed to grab a spare QT tank to hold my drool... Your tank is gorgeous, as well at the beautiful baby and the cute dog. I, like someone else a few pages back, just started out with a Flu-val Edge Reef, and this is so inspiring I want to make the jump to something bigger and better. I already feel like I need to move up in size but as a college kid I need to start saving for that. Cant wait for more pictures :-)

Yes, I know what you mean. This thread will do that to you.
How did you get those already?? I think we need more detail on your new equipment.

Looks great btw and I noted it on RB!
if you can take a shot from the front! I want to see how that light really spreads its hard with all the side shots
Been reading trough your tread for the last couple of days, and I am really impressed! Really thought trough from the very beginning. Love the tank, and the house! Definitely going to steal some of your ideas for my next tank. :)
Could you post some close up shots of your corals with the Radion fixture? I would like to see how SPS looks under this new fixture. From the pics you already posted, it looks great though.
Looking good Dennis

Did you decide what kind of tank we are going to build at your new place? It's going to be hard to top this one. :crazy1:
Could you post some close up shots of your corals with the Radion fixture? I would like to see how SPS looks under this new fixture. From the pics you already posted, it looks great though.
Actually that whole set of close ups i posted on the previous page are under the Radions. ;)

Looking good Dennis

Did you decide what kind of tank we are going to build at your new place? It's going to be hard to top this one. :crazy1:
Hey, B. Not sure yet but its looking like its gonna be a looooong tank. I *think* I'm going to have around 8-10' to work with.
I noticed with my AI's the reds and pinks no longer pop like they did under my T5 (blur/blie+/fiji) combo. Do these have more color appeal than the AI LEDS?