What type of camera/lens are you using? Oh and WOW
I replied to your PM like 10 minutes ago.
Can't remember if it was birch :uhoh2: or maple. One of those light woods! Had a light grain.
haha, ok well the only thing i have is some pics from last night.
Extra Cucumbers in my Reef Salad????
So i know I got TWO cucumbers from Richard at TBS... i remember unbagging them.
Last night after my tank lights had gone off I turned on the room lights which illuminate the tank enough for me to see somewhat and i had FOUR cucumbers out and about. See pics of all 4 below. One even looks just like the rock and one is white!
I'd say those would have to be the biggest hitchhikers found in my tank yet. :eek2:
I put one in my reef and now end up with 3, all larger than the one I put in. They do reproduce a sexually.
Mine all look the same. In your case, I think they came in as hitch hiker since only the two yellow one look a like.
Did you remembered which two you put in?
Somehow I got to the page you wrote about your sea cucumbers. That is why this post seem really out of place.