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Also, you can train them to eat out of your hand.

your not scare that he will bit your finger...LOL

humm look like a nice meal a bit like a shrimp wonder if it taste the same...LOL
I fed frozen krill. I've heard that it takes some training for them to eat frozens, but he did it almost immediately. I bought some ghost shrimp to feed him at first and he really liked those. Then, I tried "starving" him for a few days and put the shrimp in a place in the current where it would get blown around a lot. He went right after it. Sometimes, he wouldn't eat the frozen and that's when I started to hand feed him. I grabbed the tip of the shrimp's tail and would wiggle it in front of him. That always worked. When I tried feeding him on a stick though, he would intentionally miss the shrimp and try to eat the stick.
Thanks Justin.

Andrew, I had an eel that I trained to hand feed. I could even get him to stick his head above the water in the tank and grab the food out of my fingers. I even took a video of this several years ago. It was quite entertaining.

I would love to hand feed an angler.
Off to work to add the corals and a fish. I decided not to get the Angler Fish. More on that later.
Well, after some thought (and anxiousness to stock the tank rather than order a fish) I decided the Angler may not be the best idea. As a predator and big eater, it produces big waste. I am running a 15gallon setup with no skimmer of LR, so I think that fish would cause the corals to suffer.

I saw a very cool Mystery wrasse and was tempted, but a there is another fish I have always wanted, a blue-spotted jawfish.

These guys stay small, have great color, and personality. Not too mention they are busy-bees and that is always fun to watch.

I took some pictures tonight but the water is cloudy from coral placement.

A special thanks to "FontossaMan" Jesse and Melissa for their trades today.

The decision of choosing was very hard because I have so many great corals in my nano tank at home. The diversity of color is what led me to the current selection.

Blue: Shawn Bennett Blue Acropora tortosa (Fontosa Man)

Pink: Pink Acropora prostata (Fontosa Man, originally from Kirsten)

Green/Yellow: Acropora yongi

Green/Purple tips: Acropora nana

The ring will be covered with GSP, still to come

The top of the square tube is a green center / white tentacle Organ Pipe.


Front view

Close Up

Side View

The top eggcrate to keep the jawfish from jumping.
Thanks, I will get some more pics this morning and see how he has adjusted. He looked very stressed last night after acclimation.
Why don't you cover the ring with various colored zoanthids? I think that would be much nicer looking than GSP.
Zoos would look cool and I just so happen to have about a million of them FS :). Scott, I do have a bunch of GSP if you go that route.
Zoanthids can be touchy and I would rather not have them in this aquarium.

I should be getting the GSP as a solid sheet. It will be cut to fit the ring precisely.
Yeah, you need a deeper sandbed if you are going to keep a jawfish. At least give him a rock to hide under.