Well, after some thought (and anxiousness to stock the tank rather than order a fish) I decided the Angler may not be the best idea. As a predator and big eater, it produces big waste. I am running a 15gallon setup with no skimmer of LR, so I think that fish would cause the corals to suffer.
I saw a very cool Mystery wrasse and was tempted, but a there is another fish I have always wanted, a blue-spotted jawfish.
These guys stay small, have great color, and personality. Not too mention they are busy-bees and that is always fun to watch.
I took some pictures tonight but the water is cloudy from coral placement.
A special thanks to "FontossaMan" Jesse and Melissa for their trades today.
The decision of choosing was very hard because I have so many great corals in my nano tank at home. The diversity of color is what led me to the current selection.
Blue: Shawn Bennett Blue Acropora tortosa (Fontosa Man)
Pink: Pink Acropora prostata (Fontosa Man, originally from Kirsten)
Green/Yellow: Acropora yongi
Green/Purple tips: Acropora nana
The ring will be covered with GSP, still to come
The top of the square tube is a green center / white tentacle Organ Pipe.
Front view
Close Up
Side View
The top eggcrate to keep the jawfish from jumping.