. . . da RC Artsy-Cube project - - - Picture Intense

Thanks guys. I hope he keeps the orange, but hey whatever he decides is cool with me.

He did survive the night. I am still worried about the flow issues. Any suggestions here? I am only running one Koralia 2 right now. Any less and the corals may suffer. The current looks very soft, but he just lifts so easily and floats around teh tank.

I added a piece of LR to give him a place to grab and hide.

The main problem is that he gets too close to the intakes and gets sucked aginst it. he is not strong enough to swim away.

I think when I leave at night I will put the pump on the wavemaker with 10s on and 10s off. This way if he gets sucked up against it, he should be able to swim away after 10 seconds when the pump shuts off for 10s.

Any other thoughts or ideas?

I also put a piece of eggcrate in from of the intakes. It looks ugly, but it keeps him farther away from the vents and this too has been working well.
Thanks Jeff.

Phlegmming has survived teh initial couple days. He has learned that he actually has a tail and if he uses it he can propel himself away from danger.

It's kinda cool to watch him "swim" because he sucks at it :)

He has learned to take refuge near the eggcrate where he can ground himself and hold on.

He has been eating live ghost shrimp, but I need to transition him to frozen. It is difficult to find live foods where I live.

Any ideas or experiences on what to feed these critters?
Transitioning to frozen was pretty easy for me. Get some large mysis shrimp and just place them on a toothpick or stick and wave it in front of him. If he doesn't eat, don't worry, just give it time. Eventually, he'll get hungry enough to eat. After the first few times of feeding frozen, I could just throw some in and he'd stalk them as if they were alive, but feeding by hand is so much cooler.
I paid $205 complete, but the price has been increased to about $250

Andrew, thanks for the feeding tip. I will give it a try. Arn't the mysis shrimp pretty small? How many do you give at a time? How big is your Angler?

Here is the Solana Orb for $199 + $12 for shipping.

This comes with everything to get you started, although I don't like the lamp. I use a Phoneix 14K.

I did a review of the Solana a while back and the shape of the pendant produced a LUX value (measures intensity) greater than that of a 250watt system using a PFO pendant.

I was shocked at the difference pendant shapes make. I will try to dig up the review.

Go MH. Nothing I have tried has ever equaled a MH light. You will get the color if you use the right lamp. Plus, colors colors will be much more intense under MH lighting.
Phlegm ate two shrimps today. He has been adjusting well to the current. I have been running just one Koralia 2 during night and most of the day. I will power on the Tunze 6025 for more sirulation a few hours a day.

I really do prefer the Koralia over the Tunze pump for many reasons. Most importantly, its quieter and can be run on a wavemaker. The Tunze is more powerful and pleasantly smaller, but I have sent one back already (awaiting replacement). It does not work well on a wavemaker. It chatters when starting and frequently spins backwards.

I will likely add three more Koralias and run them on a wavemaker. I have been tempted to wait for the new Koralia 12v 4 way unit to come out, but those are costly.

I have a new camera lens and underwater skybox on order. More pics are coming very soon. They should be great closeups!!!
I have some updated photos. Phlegm is still doing well. He continues to swim better and eats very well.

He enjoys hunting, I will start hand feeding him when I switch to frozen. Right now he is eating ghoast shrimp. Next week I will try some live feeder fish, if I can find the small ones.






Color is coming back on the green slimer.

Here are some pictures of the sump chamber. The powerheads are kept back here. So is the skimmer. The skimmer currently sticks above the tank by 1/2" so I can't put the lid back on. I am ordering a StevieT Solana collection cup with a modified height. This should do the trick.




Hey Marc, do you still do some acrylic work? Would you be interested in making a black acrylic lid for this tank. I want to make one that fits over the sump section like a toilet bowl lid. Shoot me an email and we can discuss price and dimensions.
I'm a seahorse guy not a frogfish guy but for SH's sps can sting them if they come into contact with them, are frogfish the same?

Also, do you have to keep low flow in the tank to keep the frogfish from blowing around? If so, do you think it will be too low for SPS?