. . . da RC Artsy-Cube project - - - Picture Intense

Well, the fish is doing okay, but not the coral.

The green slimer was very stressed during the placement and slimed all over the tank. The next day I came to work and things were not doing well.

I also have no filtraton per se on this tank, so the hit was devastating. I have been doing daily water changes and brought a skimmer from home to help clean up. The water looked great today and the blue-spot is doing well, but the corals died.

Lesson learned. Living without a skimmer is just too dangerous for me. :) I thought I could get by with a skimmerless system, as many people do, but it is not for me, so I will buy one for this tank too.

I haved used the Tunze Nano skimmer at home for my 15gallon tank and it runs like a champ. It is by far the best lil skimmer on the market for tanks less than 20 gallons. It comes in a very sleek size, so it will fit nicely in the sump area where it can be well hidden.

I also installed a Reef Fanatic ATO system today. I will try to take some photos tomorrow. Despite the set back, the water quality is still excellent.
pH 8.3
dKH 10.8
Ca 450
NO3 0
NO2 0
PO4 0.06
Ammonia 0.5
Mg 1110
S.G. 1.025

Sorry to hear of the loss... Everything is coming together nicely now, the tank looks great. I should just reiterate that the Jawfish needs some more sand... Other than that keep up the good work!
Dude, why don't you get a little external that can be placed alongside the sump or something? That would allow you to have some liverock in the sump that could be used for natural filtration.
It is cycling. I'm trying to be patient and that is very hard. But, moving to a new house has helped.
I don't think the jawfish is in the best of places having nowhere to burrow.... Unless he is burrowing in that tower. then that works too.
sorry to hear you lost the corals.
I do agree if you have room in the stand put a
external skimmer in there and place a bunch if live
rock/rubble to help out filteration. Looking good!!!
Tagging along waiting to see some more pics!!!
Oh and another thing that GSP
Is going to go crazy in your tank.
Looks cool but I have had it completly cover
acros in my tank I hate it now.
Well, life came along and forced me to cycle the tank. Katherine and I moved to a new home, we took a vacation, and we have been settling in at the new house. That gave my impatient butt an excuse to cycle the tank.

Parameters have been excellent for the last month. I have been performing weekly water changes and using Probidio every 15 days. I also bought a Tunze Nano Pak skimmer, which is teh same I use at home on the 20 gallon nano. It has made a big difference in water clarity.

So, today I added four sps to the walls and another on top. The last things to add are the ring of GSP (which has been precut to fit the ring and waiting for mounting) and a fish.

Also, the colors in the home nano have always been superb. That is until the move to the new home. I have lost a couple corals and several others have lost color. I hope it rebounds.

So I posted a couple pictures of what the A. yongi and M. spongodes used to look like. The others look good.

Tank shot before adding coral

After stocking

Side view

Teal Acropora

A. yongi from today

A. yongi from May

Montipora spongodes today

M. spongodes in May

Crayola Acropora

Tri-color Acropora nana
Thanks folks.

Jason, I liked it better with all the green. The corals all regressed bit after the move and are just now starting to stabilize. The vibrant colors are on the way back.

Wow...great tank, great imagination. Given what comes to mind when I look at it, I'd suggest adding an Arthur C. Clarkii clown. ;)
Hmm, I have been giving some thought to the clownfishes, since they add great character.
Ok, "Phlegmming" the Anglerfish has been introduced to the tank today.

This lil booger is tangerine-orange in color, about 1.5" long and very hip. He has white fin tips that look like painted fingernails.

I work for the American Lung Association. This tank is located at my office. He is sort-of like a mascot, so his name is quite appropriate. We call him Phlegm for short. :) Gotta love the lung goo! He kinda looks like a big ol' phlegm-ball too. :thumbsup:

There is one major problem though. I did not anticipate how insophisticated his swim bladder is. I have medium flow in the tank and he often gets blown around the tank when trying to move. I hope he can gain some weight fast and adjust to the current. He manages to keep himself upright, but he tends to breathe heavily when taking a tour around the tank.

Some pics:


