. . . da RC Artsy-Cube project - - - Picture Intense

Not sure about the stinging. Tha Angler does not get too close to the sps beacuse of where they are located.

As for flow. You are right. I'm am challenged with this problem. I had to reduce the flow for the fish, since he swims so poorly and seems to lift very easily with the current. He also got sucked up agaisnt the intakes.

I reduced flow for a few days and placed a grid in form of the intakes to keep him further away. He learned what his tail is for and began swimming much better over a weeks period of time.

I do think the coral may suffer with low flow. This is a concern. After a few days I began running proper flow for a few hours every day. This stirred up detrius where the internal sump and skimmer could do their job.

Phlegmming (Angler's name) has been doing much better with higher flow and no longer gets sucked against the intake. When he gets near it, he just walks the wall away from the force then begins to swim again. He is learning. He is also a better swimmer. When he gains more weight, I should be able to resume regular flow.

Right now I am using one Koralia 2 around the clock. I use a Tunze 6025 during the day. this pump is more powerful. I will add another Koralia 2 to replace the Tunze and I should be able to use both pumps around the clock.

I do not see any ill effect from the corals.

Brian, we can do that. Do you want a tank built?
The color of the Angler has noticeably changed in the past two weeks. He started off a tangerine orange. The color transitioned to a bllod orange, than blood red. He is now a dark burgandy red. It appears that the color will settle as black to match the substrate, foam back wall, and sps collumn.
Darn, I wanted it to stay brightly colored so you could enjoy it. You need to drop in something colorful to throw off its plan. ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12996303#post12996303 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Darn, I wanted it to stay brightly colored so you could enjoy it. You need to drop in something colorful to throw off its plan. ;)
Add a tiny cuttlefish and have them stare each other down, detente style, and let them fight it out with colors. :D

The down-side of color changing animals is their predisposition to camouflage rather than remain completely conspicuous for our visual appreciation.

Pflemming is still a cool animal - keep us posted on da cube.
Thanks guys.

The staff at the office today commented that Phlegmming is even darker today compared to yesterday. He is blending very well to the black decor.

I will try to post some photos tonight.
Here are some color transition photos of Phelgmming.

He started off as Tangerine Orange

The he became
darker. Here he looks blood-orange.

Yesterday he looked black cherry red.

Here are some coral pictures


hehehe. Because of the higher currents, he has become a much better swimmer. Still not great, but effective.

he spreads his fins like wings and glides around the tank. Like he is doing in the last photo.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12998773#post12998773 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by OCEAN SIZE
Add a tiny cuttlefish and have them stare each other down, detente style, and let them fight it out with colors. :D

Haha, that cuttlefish would be in the stomach of the angler before it had a chance to turn any colors! ;)
I transitioned Phlegmming to live fish. These have proven to be a bit more difficult for him to catch. The ghost shrimp were easy prey, but the fish swim too fast.

I was a bit scared that he has been loosing weight. I released another feeder fish into the tank yesterday and I did not see him eat it. Ten minutes later he had a big stomach bulge. So, he is learning.

When should I try frozen? Or should I stay with live food. Everyone in the office enjoys watching the "angler show."

It kinda funny watching the staff interact with Phlegmming. They all come into the office and begin talking to him in "baby talk". :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13011397#post13011397 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rjarnold
Haha, that cuttlefish would be in the stomach of the angler before it had a chance to turn any colors! ;)
Only if the cuttle said "hmmm.... what's the worm over there by that odd, black colored fish with hands?" :D

If the cuttle were big enough, you might have to bet that line a little more carefully. They're highly capable ambush predators too.

Pflemming surfs the currents. Awesome.
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Yep, he surfs.

Nemus, elcome.

Marc, that's funny. They sound just like that. How is the lid build coming along?

StevieT, I recieved the skimmer cup today. Nice job! Your packing skills are as impressive as the cup. I will take it to work tomorrow and try and post a few pics.

On another note, I ordered a SLR underwater skybox and the darn thing leaks. I'm a bit disappointed with it. The leak is in the corner. I have some Weldon 16 (I think) in a glue tube. How should I reapir it. Glue the inside or outside or something else?

I put a call out to the store, but they have not returned my call.
The lid is done and I'm about to drop it off at FedEx. :)

Why kind of underwater box is it? If it is designed for divers, I would return it for one that works properly. Those are usually very expensive.