Damsels take a 100 gallon and up tank...

I have a 125g 6ft tank
Current Critters are..
2x Dascyllus aruanus Three Stripe damsel
1x Chrysiptera parasema Yellowtail damsel
1x Neoglyphidodon nigroris Behn's damsel Changed to adult colors
1x Neopomacentrus cyanomos Regal Demoiselle
1x unknown damsel with one faded spot
1x Centropyge loricula Flame Angelfish
1x Chelmon rostratus Copperband Butterfly
1x Centropyge bicolor Bicolor Angelfish
1x Zebrasoma flavescens Yellow Tang
1x Cyrptocentrus cinctus Yellow Watchman Goby

Not having any issues with everyone getting along, yellow tail stays in the rocks normally ,YWG takes nothing from no one, tang and CBB hang together until you walk up to the tank, then everyone vanishes except for my mystery damsel who comes out front looking for food..
The two Three Stripes normally are paired up, and sleep in the same spot..

If anyone has time to ID my mystery damsel
He makes several appearances best ones are at 0.14 0.47 and 1.35

I have been reading many of your posts, particularly pertaining to damsels, today (and am continuing reading them). I have inherited a 75 gallon tank. The fish that came with it are:

3 green chromis

1 firefish

1 large pajama cardinal

1 purple dottyback

The fish I would love to add:

1 individual or 1 pair of percula clowns

1 yellowtail or azure damsel

1 foxface lo and/or Kole tang

1 flame hawkfish

1 coral beauty

1 type of goby (TBD)

Would this be overcrowding the 75 gallon, and if not, do you see any issues, be it with the damsels or elsewhere?

Thanks in advance for any insight, and thanks a lot for your very informative threads!

Any opinions on this?

I dunno. I recently removed my two clowns along with their anemone out of my 220. Since then my yellow tail damsel,which is the smallest fish in a 220 gallon tank started biting me when I put my hand in the tank.

Granted its not aggressive towards other tank mates but it sure is a mean little booger towards me now. lolz