Daniel's RSM 250 SPS tank

I love your mad scientist lab in the garage.
In my old house, back before we had kids, I had my tank in the living room and an entire room in the basement where all the tanks and sumps and buckets and mangroves and filtration was.... That was the BEST!
Yes, your system is certainly keeping your excellent looking reef happy.
Very cool exposé on your system!
Awesome work. Love your setup. My kind of system. :)

The SPS look colourful and very happy. :beer:
THANK YOU MATT , SAHIN AND M007 !!!!! Your nice comments gave me fuel to continue pushing this hobby.

I posted the same pictures in my old Reef Sanctuary thread and a guy that posted a comment has in his signature a paragraph...... To witch I feel identified because is happening to me when I show my fish room Behind the tank, plus the dosing pumps and chiller that are underneath the display tank, controllers, etc.

Here is the the guy's paragraph:

They come into the room and see my Red Sea Reefer tank and shower you with, "Ooohhh!" and, "Ahhhh!" and, "That's amazing!" You then tell them to look in the cabinet under the aquarium. Once the blank look of absolute shock clears from their face, they simply ask, "Are you #!&?ing nuts?"


They come into the room and see my Red Sea Reefer tank and shower you with, "Ooohhh!" and, "Ahhhh!" and, "That's amazing!" You then tell them to look in the cabinet under the aquarium. Once the blank look of absolute shock clears from their face, they simply ask, "Are you #!&?ing nuts?"


:lolspin: I actually ask myself that question almost daily :lolspin:

During the last 2 weekends I did a DIY media reactor to increase the amount of Seacherm Matrix in my tank. Beside all the Matrix I have in the HOB fuge (see fish room in previous posting) I decided to add more. In this case the excess do not affect the system, because it is 100% a biologic process. More nutrients >> more bacterias and less nutrient, implies less bacterias. The most important is that the bacterias find the real state needed to colonize. Matrix provides that real state.

Here are some pictures of my DIY. if anyone interested I can provide more details of the parts.

An air tight pasta container with bulkheads made using PVC tubing for electric work. Made using a female and a male connectors with an O ring in in the inside. For the hole I used a special drill (I can't remember right now the name). The acrylic was not cracked during the process. The bulkheads were screwed by hand and I glued to the outside 2 curved PVC tubes used in electric work too. The media reactor takes water from and return it to the refugium. All is 0.5" diameter.

Leaking test

Finish, installed and working. Matrix is in media bags to be cleaned easy in the future.

:lmao:The Home Goods sticker can be seen ($14.99):lmao:

The Amaretti's box went to a good use :lol2:

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Pictures look amazing. It's great to see an example of a mixed reef where both SPS and LPS are doing well along with the softies. Very encouraging for those of us who enjoy mixed reefs.
Pictures look amazing. It's great to see an example of a mixed reef where both SPS and LPS are doing well along with the softies. Very encouraging for those of us who enjoy mixed reefs.

Thank you for the nice comments !!!

I was not expecting to have success with zoas and some LPS because I keep my water quality SPS type. But, some zoas and Palies survived and the few LPS I have are doing OK. They do not grow fast, but they are happy and slowly growing.
