Daniel's RSM 250 SPS tank

Dan, I just love how robust your colonies are. The growth rate on some of them is amazing. The first shot in your last post is great! So much new growth. In the bonsai as well..
And that large plating Acro is also amazing.
Not to mention the montis..
Very nice shots.
Dan, I just love how robust your colonies are. The growth rate on some of them is amazing. The first shot in your last post is great! So much new growth. In the bonsai as well..
And that large plating Acro is also amazing.
Not to mention the montis..
Very nice shots.

Thank you Matt! !! Your tank is doing great too. I am following your thread and I wish you can solve your pumps issue soon.

Thanks giving week....Hurray I took vacation and of course did changes.

The fuge was out of control. I prune it and growth more. Of course I feed a lot the fish :-).

My 2 Tigger fish in the fuge have grown and my son want to take the yellow tang because he wants macro algaes in the tank. I also want to disassemble the 14 G Reef tank that have 2 paired clowns. Hence I need a bigger fuge.

The 20 G long was replaced by a 40 G breeder. The Macro were placed in a "box" done with eggcrate. And kept the 2 media reactors with Matrix plus the HOB fuge with Matrix. The Macro have more space as well as the fish. Let see if the tang eats whats goes out in between the eggcrate holes :-).



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Nice work on the fuge upgrade Daniel, the weed cage is a great idea :thumbsup:
How much actual water do you think is in the system and how much matrix are you running along with all that macro.
Nice work on the fuge upgrade Daniel, the weed cage is a great idea :thumbsup:
How much actual water do you think is in the system and how much matrix are you running along with all that macro.

Andrew, I have now 90 G total ( real volume after sand and rocks in display tank) (tanks volume would be 105 G).

I have in use 9 Liters of Matrix.

The Macros are filling a 22" × 12" x 12 " cage.... pretty big. I will need to prune today again :-)


Ps: I know the real water volume in the DT because I filled it with 10 boxes of 5 G ocean water. I didn't have the RODI system at that time. The fuge is a 40G that can have,~1-2 G less , but that is compensated by the volumes in the media reactors and fuge.
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Great fuge! I'm envious of the DIY skills.

Thank you Mark !!!. Please, don't be Jelous of my DIY skills because they are not good at all ... LOL.

I got that 40G breeder used from a local reefer already drilled. I wanted 2 holes so water returns is split and as a consequence of that, there is less pressure on each return and stuff do not accumulate in the strainers.

Then I got the bulkheads, connected them with a flexible tubing (sold for washing machines) , built the Macro box in 10 minutes ...... and that was all.

The water goes from the tank to the fuge and gets back by gravity.

Again, thank you for the nice words !!!

Andrew, I have now 90 G total ( real volume after sand and rocks in display tank) (tanks volume would be 105 G).

I have in use 9 Liters of Matrix.

Thanks for that info Daniel. :) So you basically have 1L of matrix per 10gal of system water and a large macro nutrient sponge in operation. I only have 10L of matrix in 150gal of water and no macro algae etc.
I'm going to add another 6-10L of matrix over the next couple of months based on your bio filtration setup :thumbsup:
Thanks for that info Daniel. :) So you basically have 1L of matrix per 10gal of system water and a large macro nutrient sponge in operation. I only have 10L of matrix in 150gal of water and no macro algae etc.
I'm going to add another 6-10L of matrix over the next couple of months based on your bio filtration setup :thumbsup:

And remember I still have a lot of rocks in the display tank. That add also a bit more of bacteria filtration.

Some Thanksgiving week pictures.

I have to brake this one, it was covering the overflow....:dance:

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More great pics, love the purple cap climbing the wall!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you !!

The purple cap was a 2 " piece a year ago that I just placed in the back against the wall. I never imagin that it will growth in that way against the back wall.

Well, finally I was able to pass my Son's Tang to the new fuge. 5 minutes later was enjoying lunch. The cage is ~1 " below the surface and fish go inside :-). If the Tang does the same he will have the party of his life. I am thinking in adding a Lid ...... :bounce3:
