Dan, I just love how robust your colonies are. The growth rate on some of them is amazing. The first shot in your last post is great! So much new growth. In the bonsai as well..
And that large plating Acro is also amazing.
Not to mention the montis..
Very nice shots.
Love those latest shots Daniel, everything is looking wonderful mate :thumbsup:
absolutely beautiful.
Nice work on the fuge upgrade Daniel, the weed cage is a great idea :thumbsup:
How much actual water do you think is in the system and how much matrix are you running along with all that macro.
Great fuge! I'm envious of the DIY skills.
Andrew, I have now 90 G total ( real volume after sand and rocks in display tank) (tanks volume would be 105 G).
I have in use 9 Liters of Matrix.
Very nice expansion.
I like the idea of the tang controlling the growth outside of the box.
Thanks for that info Daniel.So you basically have 1L of matrix per 10gal of system water and a large macro nutrient sponge in operation. I only have 10L of matrix in 150gal of water and no macro algae etc.
I'm going to add another 6-10L of matrix over the next couple of months based on your bio filtration setup :thumbsup:
wow beautiful tank,and great comeback after the crash by the way!
More great pics, love the purple cap climbing the wall!
Happy Thanksgiving!