Dawn's seahorse garden!

You probably already know this, but be careful when lowering phosphates. Too drastic a change too quickly will be detrimental to the corals.
I checked the PO4 today and it's down to 1 ppm. We are getting there.

I bought a cleaner shrimp this past weekend for the 56 gallon. I chose a large one in case the coral banded shrimp I had acted aggressive toward it. That does not appear to be a problem however. I also got a tiger conch but with all the rubble rock in my tank, I may never see it again. LOL Today I went to a different lfs for food and came home with a feather duster. Actually I used restraint because I really wanted a diamond sandsifting goby but I did not succumb to the temptation. Mostly because I do not want to do bigger WCs on the 56 gallon.
Feather dusters are nice. Pic?
I will try and take a few pics of the cleaner sbrimp and feather duster. I bought some oyster eggs and reef roids to feed my coral and feather duster. I have never kept feather dusters long term but I have never fed as heavily as I am feeding this tank. The fact that 2 by-valves just showed up tells me this tank has more varied nutrients than any previous tank I have had.
It's been kinda quiet around here Dawn. Everything's OK I hope!

Thanks for asking Michael, yes everything is good here. We went to SC to visit our son and his family for a week and there was disc golfing, amusement parks, the Whitewater center, antiqueing, fireworks, ice-cream and more. It wad crazy hectic. Then we brought our 3 grandchildren back with us, the youngest being 2 and a half.:spin2: Need I say more? LOL. My son flies in on Saturday evening to rescue us, ha ha! Seriously, its been great and aminst all the chaos I am getting WCs done on both tanks so hopefully next week will be back to normal. :)
The grandkids are all back home and my husband and I are recovering from amazing family time. I am catching up on tank and home chores. Both tanks got WCs this week. The fish and seahorses are all doing well but I did lose the yellow torch which made me sad. The pipe organ does not open as well as it did but everything else looks good.

The WCs are up to date but the glass is pretty dirty so I don't have any pics yet. I will work on that.
You must be pooped! Family time's great, making memories and reconnecting with everyone. Then you can settle back down and return to your aquatic critters…

I look forward to pics, once you get the batteries recharged!
Well I am back from another long weekend away. Both tanks are doing well even with some neglect with the summer schedule. I always make doing the seahorses WC priority every week but I did not get to the reef tank last week before we left. I did manage to snap a quick cell phone pic Aug 1st. Sorry I could not imbed the pic directly but here is a link.
Well on Thursday I returned from another trip. Today I did major maintenance on both tanks. Considering how much travelling I have done this summer the tanks are doing very well. I have not lost any fish and my pipe organ is rebounding since I relocated it. I have not added anything new as I have all I can handle now.
Lately for me 'no news is good news' but unfortunately I have some 'news' to report. I woke up this morning to a noise in the 56 gallon macro tank. After investigating I determined that it was coming from the Ice Cap 3k gyre. One side did not seem to be operating correctly. So I took it apart to clean it and it appears that a rubber gasket/bushing has torn. At least I am hoping that that is the problem. I will order the part and see if that fixes things. In the mean time I added (2) rio pumps 200 gph each. They don't even come close to moving the water like the gyre but along with the AquaClear 50 it will do for now.
It is $30 for the whole side unit or $8 for just the bushings. I have not ordered it yet as I am torn about which I should order. I am limping along with (2) 200 gph Rio powerheads. I will let everyone know when I resolve the problem.