Lovely photos!
Did you ever test PAR in this tank? Sorry if I asked this before, I could not find it using thread search.
Very nice. What camera and lens are you shooting with? I love the clarity in your shots. :beer:
Wow. I love that macro of the spathulata!
They are all gorgeous but that last one is special.
Hi Debora! Love ur tank. Ive changed my lighting to match yours and it looks great.
Nice photo's Debora!
Whats your lighting schedule?
Incredible photos. Love your SPS and clams.
Love the photos and the corals, things look happy as heck!![]()
Thats one beautiful tank you have there. You are an sps master and your photo skills are impeccable.
Thank You Moser!
Ligh - ATI Sunpower 8x54w:
- Narva blue
- Narva blue
- Narva blue
- Ati Aquabluespecial
- Ati Purple Plus
- Narva blue
- Narva blue
- Narva blue
Thanks Debora
How long do you run them for?
2 blue tubes
then 6 tubes?
Is narva Blue tubes similar to ATI B+ or its deeper Blue like FM Ultra royal blue>?
Is narva Blue tubes similar to ATI B+ or its deeper Blue like FM Ultra royal blue>?