
Lovely photos! :)

Did you ever test PAR in this tank? Sorry if I asked this before, I could not find it using thread search.
Very nice. What camera and lens are you shooting with? I love the clarity in your shots. :beer:
Very nice. What camera and lens are you shooting with? I love the clarity in your shots. :beer:

That was Nikon5300+ Nikkor 50mm 1.4 with manual macro extension tube.

Wow. I love that macro of the spathulata!
They are all gorgeous but that last one is special.

I am also thinking that Spatluata shot is the best:)

Hi Debora! Love ur tank. Ive changed my lighting to match yours and it looks great.

Thank You:)
Thats really nice to read:)

Today macro shots of acropora florida frag and montipora:

Nice photo's Debora!

Whats your lighting schedule?


Thank You Moser!
Ligh - ATI Sunpower 8x54w:
- Narva blue
- Narva blue
- Narva blue
- Ati Aquabluespecial
- Ati Purple Plus
- Narva blue
- Narva blue
- Narva blue

Incredible photos. Love your SPS and clams.

Thank You!:)

Love the photos and the corals, things look happy as heck! :)

Thank You:)

Thats one beautiful tank you have there. You are an sps master and your photo skills are impeccable.

Thank You, thats nice.
I am not sps master yet :worried2: But I am trying to keep good work:)
Thank You Moser!
Ligh - ATI Sunpower 8x54w:
- Narva blue
- Narva blue
- Narva blue
- Ati Aquabluespecial
- Ati Purple Plus
- Narva blue
- Narva blue
- Narva blue

Thanks Debora

How long do you run them for?
2 blue tubes
then 6 tubes?

Thanks Debora

How long do you run them for?
2 blue tubes
then 6 tubes?


2 tubes Narva blue lighting from 9am to 9pm
6 tubes lighting from 10am to 8pm

Is narva Blue tubes similar to ATI B+ or its deeper Blue like FM Ultra royal blue>?

I am not shure but I think thats simmilar to Ati Blue Plus.

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