Deep and dark - Elos 120XL deepwater biotope

Upgrade time , my new Lifereef skimmer next to my ATI Powercone 200IS

[/url]Lifereef skimmer by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
I am back, it was great to take some time off during holidays, I also did some remodeling in my house, so sorry for lack of updates. Now I finally have some time. Tank is still doing great, even so I did neglect feeding my corals for some time, unfortunately I lost two sun corals, totally my fault, everything else including fish seems happy. No new pictures yet, but I have new arrivals in my qt. , hopefully most of them will make it through.

[/url]qt tank by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
Hey I see your keeping some sun corals. I just ordered some to give them a try as I have some shaded areas in my tank I wanted to fill and I got them for a good deal. They should be here next week. Any tips on care for them?
Hey I see your keeping some sun corals. I just ordered some to give them a try as I have some shaded areas in my tank I wanted to fill and I got them for a good deal. They should be here next week. Any tips on care for them?

Yeah, I have few sun corals :) , my advice is to put them in decent but not direct flow, keep them off sand bed and feed them a lot. At least every other day some meaty foods like mysis, brine shrimp, anything you feed your fish. If you starve them, you will have big problem getting them to open again, so when you get them and you see their tentacles out, feed !!! First couple of weeks they need to restore their energy after being in transport or holding facility.
Yeah, I have few sun corals :) , my advice is to put them in decent but not direct flow, keep them off sand bed and feed them a lot. At least every other day some meaty foods like mysis, brine shrimp, anything you feed your fish. If you starve them, you will have big problem getting them to open again, so when you get them and you see their tentacles out, feed !!! First couple of weeks they need to restore their energy after being in transport or holding facility.
Do your sun corals like to open same time every day? Mine kinda do.
Yeah, I have few sun corals :) , my advice is to put them in decent but not direct flow, keep them off sand bed and feed them a lot. At least every other day some meaty foods like mysis, brine shrimp, anything you feed your fish. If you starve them, you will have big problem getting them to open again, so when you get them and you see their tentacles out, feed !!! First couple of weeks they need to restore their energy after being in transport or holding facility.

Thanks for the advice mark! I've been in this hobby for 3 1/2 years now and have been doing fairly well. I figured I would try my hand at these types of corals. Right now I'm sps dominate but I have a great mixture of all. Just actually picked up some softies tonight
Do your sun corals like to open same time every day? Mine kinda do.

Mine are almost always open or half open, I don't feed at specific times, basically when I am near the tank I pour some food in, few times a week I target feed all suns and dendros. As soon as they smell the food they open completely.
Thanks for the advice mark! I've been in this hobby for 3 1/2 years now and have been doing fairly well. I figured I would try my hand at these types of corals. Right now I'm sps dominate but I have a great mixture of all. Just actually picked up some softies tonight

No problem, I wish you luck, they are not the most difficult corals, as long as their basic needs are met. But to me they are one of the most beautiful. I fell in love with those when I added a colony of dendro and sun coral to my SPS set up few years ago. Slowly I got more and more , until I gave up SPS and decided to go NPS exclusively.

This was my first attempt after converting from SPS, you can still see some zoas and other corals and way too much light.

[/url]fts4 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
Beautiful tank.
Elos make stunning tanks.
And shows you what knowledge about the hobby and time gives you.
Great work.

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Just catching up on your progress. Stunning tank. Did you ever figure out what was eating your corals?