Deep Down Florida 600 Gallon In-Wall Build

So first step will be to polish the front panel. Since I have an empty tank I thought I would take advantage of it and make it shine.
Then comes the hard part. Planning the reconstruction of the wall,stand,plumbing,storing the fish,storing the rocks..
Nice Tank... I guess I missed the fun by not logging onto RC this weekend. We need to start a phone-chain. Not sure if I could had helped yesterday but did not even know about it. Count me in bmanzie if you need help in the future...
Nice Tank... I guess I missed the fun by not logging onto RC this weekend. We need to start a phone-chain. Not sure if I could had helped yesterday but did not even know about it. Count me in bmanzie if you need help in the future...

No worries, I will need help once again when the tank swap happens.
you already have 4! how many more would you need. this coming from an led noob AND non believer.

its same length as current tank right?, why would you need more? cough..Mh/T5, cough mh/t5....:deadhorse:
Eddie, a 41H tank will need serious lighting. Think 4 x 400w MH's would give 100 par at the bottom? I think Rogger could give you an idea.

Try 6 radions with 40-60 optics and see what par you can get.

It all depends on how high your rock work goes, coral placement, and if you want SPS.

Looking forward to this monstrosity
Eddie, a 41H tank will need serious lighting. Think 4 x 400w MH's would give 100 par at the bottom? I think Rogger could give you an idea.

Try 6 radions with 40-60 optics and see what par you can get.

It all depends on how high your rock work goes, coral placement, and if you want SPS.

Looking forward to this monstrosity

I think 400w would. But it's all about bulb selection and reflectors. I bet some 10k and 12k 250s would too. Just my uneducated guess. Regardless, looking forward to the build.