Deep Water Picture Thread!

not sure what the ID on these are...

Caroliniana ??? -- just picked this guy up at the LFS.

got this frag as ... acropora multiacuta_caroliniana bali ?
FragGuy, ohhhh .. that is nice! Love your suharsonoi also kip .. great color.

Any ideas or ideas on IDs for mine? :D
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Thanks corro, It looks much better (Greener/yellow) under actinics. That pictures was taken under no actinics.

Your second one I'm pretty sure is caroliniana (Compare with mine up top of this page.). The first could also be.

what acro is this?.

what acro is this?.

does anyome what type of acro this is. i have only has it for five days so it's not coloured up yet.
cheers chris.
There are a couple pictures of my A. elegans and A. desalwii in this months Reef Keeping. I've only seen a couple of other colonies of the A. elegans so I think I was pretty lucky to find it.

Here is the absolute sickest (in a good way) elegans I have seen posted:

<img src=>

It belongs to Garrett (justgettinstarted on RC). And no, he won't frag it.:lol:
Wow! Both of those Elegans are seriously sweet!

Travis: He should frag it for at least one person so he has a "backup".

t0mmy108: Fantastic pieces! I'm looking forward to my frags from you growing out!

Really loving this thread! Thanks for all the great pics!
cheers mate, i only had it eleven days now but i can see a bit of blue showing at the tips.