Deeznutz Hd 120 Shallow rimless (Pics)

Looking good mate!

Thanks b

We need an update!

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Yeah Dan, WTH?!?!?? ;)

Hey guys, I haven't been around for a while obviously. But big things have been going on this summer. We've been busy with a backyard reno and then threw in a front years reno for good measure lol make be feel like this
guy :headwalls:

Needles to say I've been super busy with the renos and work. The summer heat has been really killer here in Canada and has taken a toll on me. My skin has gone through 50 shades of brown.

Unfortunately the tank got neglected and has suffered quite a bit. I've spent the last few weeks revamping it though. No major losses, just little to no growth and poor colour.

I've changed the flow, lighting and aquascape as of today. I've got a frag tank build coming up. Glass should be here this week along with my glass railings for the new deck.

I'll be sure to up date everything that been going on in the Deeznutz household. Complete with pics and all. I will share with y'all my crazy summer.

Until then"¦

Hey guys, it's fish season again and I'm back baby!
Since my last post a lot has gone down. I'll add more photos as I go.
I had the day off and was really shocked at how my tank is doing. So I did a quick little video. My first time :). I hope everyone enjoys it.

Beautiful tank.
How long have you have all those tangs together?? any fighting?

Thank you for the kind words.
The Kole and PBT have been with me for 3 years. I introduced the yellow tang a year ago because my buddy bought a purple tang and it didn't get along with the purple. Now he shut his system down and I bought that same exact purple tang 6 months ago. there are always some fights here and there. but tonight was the only time I've seen ripped fins on my Yellow. Most likely from my PBT. Dic head lol

it looks like you made a move to t5's and ditched the radions

Yes I did, unfortunately the shading was just too much for the SPS to handle.
My tank should have had 3 if not 4 xr30 to properly light a sps dominated tank.
Now I'm running a 6 bulb sun power with XHO. Nothing beats an XHO for colour. Pricey but well worth it.
Heres a fun little build - 8 bulb ATI Power module

So a friend gave me this non working corroded PM. Is was a mess. So I decided to see what i could do with it. The project isn't finished but I think I got a good start on it.

[/url]Ati power module build by deeznutz398, on Flickr[/IMG]

Stripped it down to the bare bones and tossed all the wiring in a box.
[/url]Ati power module build by deeznutz398, on Flickr[/IMG]

The wiring, oh the wiring! At first it was very confusing, but once I figured out the wiring it was pretty simple. 1 out of 4 ballast don't work, a few loose and corroded wires and 3 corroded sockets and were back in business!
[/url]Ati power module build by deeznutz398, on Flickr[/IMG]

I plan on making this a 6 bulb hybrid so the one bad ballast didn't bother me.
It would have been a 4 bulb hybrid had 2 ballast weren't working lol.

Sanded, degrease and primed!
[/url]Ati power module build by deeznutz398, on Flickr[/IMG]

Going light speed red on this one :)
[/url]Ati power module build by deeznutz398, on Flickr[/IMG]

and with Black Ops package lol
[/url]Ati power module build by deeznutz398, on Flickr[/IMG]

Next step is to install reflectors and put it back together. I Havant decided on the led part. I would like to do 2x 36"XHO, but they are very pricey these days. I just paid $750 cdn for one 60"
Any suggestions? Custom led strip? Thoughts and advice please.

Hey guys, it's fish season again and I'm back baby!
Since my last post a lot has gone down. I'll add more photos as I go.
I had the day off and was really shocked at how my tank is doing. So I did a quick little video. My first time :). I hope everyone enjoys it.


looking good!
Glad your back and you didn't sell that bad boy- nice to see you moved back to ATI power!